Disability Insurance

Ah, Jack, an esteemed member of our group, the P&C Boys, the true underdogs of the forums. In the vast ocean of information, Jack fearlessly paddles against the current, sometimes veering off-course with a twinkle of mischief in his eyes.

Unlike the life insurance agents, we P&C boys navigate the treacherous waters of insurance discussions with wit and tenacity instead of butthurt criticism like life agents.

Jack, our fearless representative, dove headfirst into the fray, armed with his unique charm and occasional whimsical statements. Jack's post showcased his unwavering dedication to our cause. While he might have stretched the truth a bit by claiming any life insurance carrier can effortlessly write a disability policy, let's admire his audacity in challenging the status quo. After all, we thrive on shaking things up.

But fear not, for Jack did provide a shining beacon of hope in the form of the North Carolina Department of Insurance guide. It's like finding a treasure map amidst a sea of misinformation. Perhaps if the readers offended by Jack's post merely took a moment to read the document provided, they would have come to the conclusion they were initially seeking.
Ah, Jack, an esteemed member of our group, the P&C Boys, the true underdogs of the forums. In the vast ocean of information, Jack fearlessly paddles against the current, sometimes veering off-course with a twinkle of mischief in his eyes.

Unlike the life insurance agents, we P&C boys navigate the treacherous waters of insurance discussions with wit and tenacity instead of butthurt criticism like life agents.

Jack, our fearless representative, dove headfirst into the fray, armed with his unique charm and occasional whimsical statements. Jack's post showcased his unwavering dedication to our cause. While he might have stretched the truth a bit by claiming any life insurance carrier can effortlessly write a disability policy, let's admire his audacity in challenging the status quo. After all, we thrive on shaking things up.

But fear not, for Jack did provide a shining beacon of hope in the form of the North Carolina Department of Insurance guide. It's like finding a treasure map amidst a sea of misinformation. Perhaps if the readers offended by Jack's post merely took a moment to read the document provided, they would have come to the conclusion they were initially seeking.
If that's true, that means Jack didn't read his own document prior to distributing it. For he surely would have known the answer to the OP's question.
I get what you are saying, of course. This forum can be brutal, at times. You have to admit, Jack did try to bully the OP. What Jack didn't know, is that the OP had a posse behind him waiting to pounce!:policeman::1mad::1frown:
Ah, Jack, an esteemed member of our group, the P&C Boys, the true underdogs of the forums. In the vast ocean of information, Jack fearlessly paddles against the current, sometimes veering off-course with a twinkle of mischief in his eyes.

Unlike the life insurance agents, we P&C boys navigate the treacherous waters of insurance discussions with wit and tenacity instead of butthurt criticism like life agents.

Jack, our fearless representative, dove headfirst into the fray, armed with his unique charm and occasional whimsical statements. Jack's post showcased his unwavering dedication to our cause. While he might have stretched the truth a bit by claiming any life insurance carrier can effortlessly write a disability policy, let's admire his audacity in challenging the status quo. After all, we thrive on shaking things up.

But fear not, for Jack did provide a shining beacon of hope in the form of the North Carolina Department of Insurance guide. It's like finding a treasure map amidst a sea of misinformation. Perhaps if the readers offended by Jack's post merely took a moment to read the document provided, they would have come to the conclusion they were initially seeking.

Jack is an encyclopedia of P&C knowledge. And a valued member of the forum. He is also a stickler for sticking to the facts and clarifying any misinformation given.

Jacks downfall was not in overestimating the amount of individual disability carriers by 10,000%.

Ultimately, Jack's downfall was when he finally answered the OPs question, by telling them to ask an Agent.... which the OP already did by posting the question in the "ask the agents" section...
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I get what you are saying, of course. This forum can be brutal, at times. You have to admit, Jack did try to bully the OP. What Jack didn't know, is that the OP had a posse behind him waiting to pounce!:policeman::1mad::1frown:

Whoa, let's refrain from saying things that might be considered a declaration of war. Tensions have been growing on the forums, and I, of course, have to stick to the P&C treaty, which states if one of us is attacked, it might as well be all of us. What we have here is a WW1 scenario, and it looks like there may be an attempt on Archduke Jack Ferdinand.

I think we can let this one indiscretion slide, can't we, fellas?