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Disability Tough Case

I would think your guy is out of luck. DI is the hardest placement in the business, unless of course, it's a shite product. Then you sell it and change your address and phone.

Did you ever ask him why he dropped the unum policy? especially after they paid?
Why he dropped UNUM should NOT be overlooked.

You should explore what traditional carriers are doing with non can products these days. Very competitive. A good example is that it was not that long ago where none of them could take someone who was on Prozac a few years ago. Now the best names can take cases of someone currently using Prozac. That's why the cancer situation is worth exploring, but detail is king in the disability world...

Well fellas, it looks like I misspelled the short form of chemotherapy above... Don't be suprised if I misspell "Bob" in my postings! :) (not my strongepoynt... )
Why he dropped UNUM should NOT be overlooked.

You should explore what traditional carriers are doing with non can products these days. Very competitive. A good example is that it was not that long ago where none of them could take someone who was on Prozac a few years ago. Now the best names can take cases of someone currently using Prozac. That's why the cancer situation is worth exploring, but detail is king in the disability world...

Well fellas, it looks like I misspelled the short form of chemotherapy above... Don't be suprised if I misspell "Bob" in my postings! :) (not my strongepoynt... )

I forgive you.................LOL. Keep up the good work.
I thought these were all tough cases? These are all doable (age, health etc). There are several sources out there depending upon the situaiton. Contact your local DI brokerage outlet. If that fails, give me a call.
Your sub-standard carrier might write him w/o any exclusion (depending on the grad and medical records will dictate,however, these plans aren't cheap and because they are graded,an immediate relapse will hardly pay!
Hello everyone

Each the different cases listed have solutions. I think the two most recent issues are:

1) Cancer in past 5 years, and
2) A person age 65

There are great possiblities with each of these issues. Some ideas have already been posted. Contact your local disability brokerage outlet or if you are still hitting a brick wall, drop me a note for further suggestions.

Remember - There is no such thing as a bad risk, just a bad premium!:)
"There is no such thing as a bad risk, just a bad premium!

And remember this saying "beating a dead horse."

Now, not to discourage active agents out there, but know when someone here is selling you a bill of BS.....

DI is the hardest product to place. That is why the market is so underserved.

Know that in order to place DI business you should have a heatlhy client period. If you do not, your chances of placement drop significantly or the premium rises dramatically.

Sorry, I'm just kind of tired of guys posting that they can slove all your problems... Unless they are an actual underwriter for a carrier, no they can't.

You can certainly try, but know this...if your prospect starts reading off a list of medical problems, even minor ones.. with each one, the prospect dims. Think of this as the dented fender and wanting to buy auto insurance to fix it.. after the fact. Same concept, same result.
Actually, all you really need is a motivated client. There are impaired risk markets for DI, if you know where to look.
All clients are "motivated" to a certain price point. Once you cross that point, not so much.

Also what contract are you getting in these markets?

I don't mean to be such a downer, but any new agent should know that DI is hard to place, period.

When they run into someone with a laundry list of medical problems and a tight wallet, chances are they will be spinning their wheels. No?

As far as impaired risk markets, can you let me know some? I want to look over their contracts, as the other side of this is you don't want to become the insured's disability policy if you sell a flawed contract.