Do Not Call List

You must only call people who are not on the Federal list or who already have a business relationship with you. If they contacted you in some way you can legally call them for 13 months.

Go to to register and get info. If you don't register as a telemarketer and you get a're screwed. And the definition of a telemarketer to the government is anyone who makes ANY calls to a residence in the course of your business.

Just to clarify, for personal phone numbers, you have 90 days that you can call them if they contacted you. You have 18 months if they have done business with you in the past.

If they ever ask you to not call them anymore, you have 0 days, regardless of why you have their number.

It's free to register for up to 5 area codes. Makes it pretty easy to stay compliant.

Just to clarify, for personal phone numbers, you have 90 days that you can call them if they contacted you. You have 18 months if they have done business with you in the past.

If they ever ask you to not call them anymore, you have 0 days, regardless of why you have their number.

It's free to register for up to 5 area codes. Makes it pretty easy to stay compliant.


You are correct. I should never rely on my memory.

From my understanding, you have the 18 months from the time of their FINAL payment from a previous transaction.
Newby, is George Stephanopoulos (of ABC Washington Bureau) your brother? Perhaps, even your twin brother?;)

Wow I take that as a compliment!

No. One big difference between me and George would be that my wife thinks ONE of us is hot and the other one needs to take out the trash and feed the dog.

Actually, that photo is about 8-years old and if you saw me in person you would say "That must have been a hard 8-years!"