Document Management with Basic CRM


New Member
Ok..disclosure time..I am not an insurance agent....I'm a computer tech, so please be gentle :)

I have a client who owns an agency that sells Life, Health, and Disability policies and he wants to digitize/scan all his existing paperwork/policies, and make the resulting database searchable.

Now initially this seemed fairly simple, until he added he wanted to use it as a basic CRM system as well, to add policy updates, conversation logs, new scanned documents, etc. I have since found there are dozens of CRM systems for the insurance industry, but I can't seem to find any that also integrate document management.

So the here's the question....any suggestions, or at least any starting points?


Neil S
Have him pick up Paperport Deluxe to set up files on his computer or cloud. Then attach the documents after scanning to database. The files in the Paperport program are searchable and the copies attached to the contacts in the database are easy to use through the CRM.
Thanks for the lead. They are up to Paperport Pro 14 now, and it's a great price for what is does. There is also a 15 day free trial which I'm downloading now.

Naunce also has a specific "insurance solution" which involves a call to a salesperson, so I may give that a try next.

Thanks again.
You need to use a document management system for the client. It will scan all the document, sort them as required and store them in the database as you would like to use. You can also automate the whole process, so it will automatically perform the required action. Additionally, it will work as a backup to all your paper documents, with information on your fingertips. And its better if you do all this in the cloud. Secured and easily accessible. There are some open source communities who work on such software, like Ephesoft. They have free editions as they are open source, but for full support i think you will have to pay, which must be ok with your client.
Have them check out Agentrun. Its a cloud based management system (CRM) that does document management really well.