Does Anyone Put Anything on the Back of Their Business Card?

go to google and type in "google voice" and sign up. I'm not sure if they still have a waiting period or not, but you can pick a number and use it to forward to any number you want. (or multiple phones at the same time) You can also choose for it just to go to voicemail. It's good. E-mails your voice mails to you as well.
I put a few bullet points of my niches... and on the very bottom, I put:
"I love referrals!" I did the same while I was a mortgage broker some years back... and it works well. It can be used as an extension of your currents ads.
I put a few bullet points of my niches... and on the very bottom, I put:
"I love referrals!" I did the same while I was a mortgage broker some years back... and it works well. It can be used as an extension of your currents ads.

I kind of like that... Its simple and if they are thinking "wow that person did such a great job" and they read "I like referrals" thats almost like a call to action lol
Put a magnet on the back of that business card. People will put it on the fridge since you can't have enough good magnets on the fridge. I doubt many people are going to save your business card so they can check the back periodically and be reminded you love referrals.
Put a magnet on the back of that business card. People will put it on the fridge since you can't have enough good magnets on the fridge. I doubt many people are going to save your business card so they can check the back periodically and be reminded you love referrals.

Second. They also love magnet calendars.
As others have stated, there are two camps; stuff on the back (witty slogans, calenders, products etc.. and one with nothing)

I personally like nothing, this way I can use it to write notes on for the client ie: appt dates and time when I am door knocking.
Remember that your business cards will speak to your clients when you are not with them. Use a high quality paper and spend some money in a good graphic designer. I can not belive many agents print thier own cards or use a low quality materials. You want to impress them with your card, then impress them with your service.
You want to impress them with your card, then impress them with your service.

I'm not a fan of printing your own cards on your personal printer. But I don't think cards make much of a difference anymore. Unless, like others have posted, its a magnet on the fridge, most cards wind up in the trash or in a drawer never to be seen again.

When I'm in a client's house I put my magnet on the fridge myself, just to make sure it gets there. A guy running for local office did that in my house about 5 years ago. He lost the election, but 5 years later its still on my fridge.