Does anyone really get "rich" selling Medicare

To the OP, I agree with Somarco, it’s get rich slowly. I share office space in two locations and have fairly minimal expenses otherwise (pretty much all my new business comes by referral now). One thing that I tell all newer agents is, the first 100 heads are the hardest. If you get to 300 and keep you eye on the ball you’ll get to 600 faster than you think.

At 600 heads I think an average agent can expect to net 100 heads more per year without working a 40 hour week (excepting AEP of course). You do the math and decide if that’s enough.
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The whole insurance business is a pretty sure thing if you plan to get rich slowly and do the work. It’s guys in a hurry to make huge money fast that fail out hard.
But then some of them become Gurus and make bank selling their systems.
To the OP, I agree with Somarco, it’s get rich slowly. I share office space in two locations and have fairly minimal expenses otherwise (pretty much all my new business comes by referral now). One thing that I tell all newer agents is, the first 100 heads are the hardest. If you get to 300 and keep you eye on the ball you’ll get to 600 faster than you think.

At 600 heads I think an average agent can expect to net 100 more per year without working a 40 hour week (excepting AEP of course). You do the math and decide if that’s enough.
Used to be enough, with inflation the metropolitan area I live in that’s what’s needed to “survive” these days.

Used to be able to get by at 60k-70k now 90k minimum if you want to live anywhere decent that’s a not a new box house built out in BFE. Rents a for a 1 bed 1 bath pushing over 2k a month and that’s not anything nice. Talking stick apartments put up in under 6 months or an apartment complex built back in 70’s and 80’s.
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The whole insurance business is a pretty sure thing if you plan to get rich slowly and do the work. It’s guys in a hurry to make huge money fast that fail out hard.
But then some of them become Gurus and make bank selling their systems.

I didn't go to Medicare con but I heard the entire first day was a pitch for a more expensive mentorship plan. Like $10,000 or something like that (can't remember).

I wonder what private masterminds they'll pitch in the $10,000 program?

It's a classic game. Small program... Bigger conference... Use the conference to sell the big ticket... Use the big ticket to sell the elite ticket...

Not saying there is no value at each level. But it's helpful to know that in advance. I attend 10XGrowthCon each year and I know they'll pitch ___ but I'm pretty good at ignoring it, and I try to enjoy the value of the actual conference.
I didn't go to Medicare con but I heard the entire first day was a pitch for a more expensive mentorship plan. Like $10,000 or something like that (can't remember).

I wonder what private masterminds they'll pitch in the $10,000 program?

It's a classic game. Small program... Bigger conference... Use the conference to sell the big ticket... Use the big ticket to sell the elite ticket...

Not saying there is no value at each level. But it's helpful to know that in advance. I attend 10XGrowthCon each year and I know they'll pitch ___ but I'm pretty good at ignoring it, and I try to enjoy the value of the actual conference.
You a big Cardone fan?
You a big Cardone fan?
I do like his content. I've never paid for anything other than his conference and maybe a few small things.

Lots of his content was/is free and on YouTube and if you watch enough of it (or his old podcast) you can pretty much get his message.
@Chazm, does UHC have community rating in FL?

On another topic in this thread, there was an agent on the forum a few years ago, former drummer, that was pushing his "system" to get rich.

He was also a motivational speaker.

Don't recall his name or handle, but he flamed out pretty quickly.
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