Does anyone really get "rich" selling Medicare

For me it’s, $611 up front for MAPD and $306 renewals in January. Med Supp Im about $550 when you factor in PDP.
As a side note, how do you get to $550 on Med Supp? Getting some good bonuses on those? I’m getting 20% plus the PDP commish with some ~$100 bonuses. Then again, sups are cheap in my part of the world.
@Chazm is "select" just what UHC labels the plans or are they true Select plans tied to a particular hospital?

Regardless, those rates are outrageous.
Many of us on here just simply stuck with it and kept selling, year in and year out.

I know a few other agents in the 1,000+ client bracket who do not have an office or full time admin. I didn't have an in office admin until I was over a thousand active clients. And sometimes I regret having one.

My living expenses are extremely reasonable. Bought less house than I qualified for. Drive a 2011 car.

I do regret a few expenses I have and sometimes I do wonder "where is all the profit??" (Ahem, Taxes). But at the end of the day I've also already been able to buy 6 rentals, JV'd on 2 small multi families, and put $ into a few other things.

If an agent does it right, gets to 800+, he/she can both make good money, have excess to invest, and have some free time to enjoy it.

I think that's pretty rich and beats driving the truck for UPS.
According to most of the pitchmen on Facebook. You are doing it all wrong and still on the hamster wheel. You need to buy their system. Then you can own 2-jets and and a yacht. No one just wants to live comfortably and stress-free anymore do they?
According to most of the pitchmen on Facebook. You are doing it all wrong and still on the hamster wheel. You need to buy their system. Then you can own 2-jets and and a yacht. No one just wants to live comfortably and stress-free anymore do they?
Damn shame Benny Hinn doesn't pimp Medicare. Just a pop on your forehead and you're on your way.