Considering that all qualified Health Insurance plans (whether sold in or out of the exchange) will have to pay 80% of Premiums back towards medical claims, how exactly did you come to the conclusion that "commissions will be huge"?Source? Of course not, you don't have a source. It is possible that exchange plans will pay zero compensation, but that is not yet a foregone conclusion. My point was that the compensation will be minimal, at best.
Plans sold outside the exchange will pay HUGE commissions. I have no idea what makes you guys think otherwise? These will be traditionally underwritten plans, and companies will steer agents toward those plans by commissioned incentives.
Medicare Supplement Insurance
Medigap Insurance Plans
There will be a wide range of non-exchange plans from the bare bones to the full boat. My question has been and remains: how full can the full boat plan be and not be required to be marketed under the exchange?
If companies can in fact copy exchange plans and sell those outside the exchange, subject to underwriting, at ridiculous discounts - those plans will be very popular.
My home office people don't know the answers to these questions so with all due respect, I have no reason to believe that anyone on this board has any keen insights.
And If you don't sell a qualified plan, then the client will have to pay the Penalty to the IRS.
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