Doing a Website Through Godaddy

Going through the process of putting a website for my company, other then the usual items on it. What do you recommend I do so the consumer can nagivate it easily? Also any ideas would be apperciated. It will be a 2 to 4 page website with one page dedicated to the real estate side of business and the other pages to the insurance side (Life only as I dont use my health lic)
Don't write like you (not you in particular) talk. Don't write flowery long sentences.

Try to write down 10 of the most common questions consumers will have when they are in the shopping mode. Address those issues on your website.

WebNanny was used in this post
Be careful with a do it yourself. Unless you think you have a good eye for design. A do it yourself usually looks like one. If you go this route you will have limited customization options.

Remember you can have the best information on your website but if the design isn't done properly then chances of someone reading your content or contacting you will lessen tremendously. Your website is your online representative so make sure it makes the same good impression that you would in person.
I demoed alot of do it yourself builders and they all seem to suck, but have not got a chance to demo godaddy's. Getting a pro do it is the way to go but can be costly.
Unless you know what you are doing, just pay someone to do it for you. It is well worth the money. You might also thikn about paying someone to help you on your SEO work also.

I've looked at tryan326 website and it looks like something you should take a look at.

I think with Godaddy websites, that has the website tonight logo on the bottom, makes it look cheap. You only get one chance to make an first impression.
Unless you are a professional website designer why would you attempt to do it your self? Do you want to present yourself as a professional business owner or just put something on the internet?

The one aspect of training agents to become successful I don't understand is that very few of them look upon selling insurance like a real business. Most of the ones I have trained all but refuse to invest any of their own money. The vast majority of them are always looking for something for free regardless of whether or not it is a good decision.

Professional insurance agents should concentrate on what they do best and hire other professionals to do the things they do not have the expertise to do.

If you want a professional website I would suggest that you contact Tanisha Ryan, 757-320-5060. She has been been building websites for ten years. She understands the insurance industry and will build an excellent site for you. And, she doesn't charge an arm and a leg to do it.