I believe that agents will be well served creating inbound traffic through content marketing, specifically video. All too often the agent is fearful of this as a result of the natural fear people have to "put themselves out there". This especially applies to video content creation.

I mention this as data shows that 1.) Youtube is the second largest search engine in the world. 2.) Analysis from many leading internet marketing organizations shows video is increasingly becoming the preferred method people use to obtain information on the internet. This could be as people are getting lazy and reading less. Facebook is pushing video and is rewarding video content creators with greater reach and is especially rewarding "Live" content creators with even further reach.

Yes your first efforts may be awkward and yes you may look a little less than polished. I remember the first door I knocked on, I was certainly awkward and less than polished! In spite of this, you will resonate with a certain segment of the senior population. That's all you need is a sliver of this population to like, follow or subscribe to your channels and you will have created an inbound marketing machine. This will reward you handsomely.

This is the future and the future for social media content creation is now!!! Don't miss this train.
We love your content! You are an asset to the industry. Love to meet you sometime and compare notes. It is a lot harder to come up with consistent and valuable content to please the youtube algorithmn than it looks to an outsider. I'm sure the young people will take us over one day, but us old times that have pioneer video marketing really have reaped the rewards as there is so little competition.
I'm testing a new marketing plan next year that involves email drip and video content l
I believe that agents will be well served creating inbound traffic through content marketing, specifically video. All too often the agent is fearful of this as a result of the natural fear people have to "put themselves out there". This especially applies to video content creation.

I mention this as data shows that 1.) Youtube is the second largest search engine in the world. 2.) Analysis from many leading internet marketing organizations shows video is increasingly becoming the preferred method people use to obtain information on the internet. This could be as people are getting lazy and reading less. Facebook is pushing video and is rewarding video content creators with greater reach and is especially rewarding "Live" content creators with even further reach.

Yes your first efforts may be awkward and yes you may look a little less than polished. I remember the first door I knocked on, I was certainly awkward and less than polished! In spite of this, you will resonate with a certain segment of the senior population. That's all you need is a sliver of this population to like, follow or subscribe to your channels and you will have created an inbound marketing machine. This will reward you handsomely.

This is the future and the future for social media content creation is now!!! Don't miss this train.

I agree. Written content marketing still has a place, but people are ingesting video much more readily. Furthermore, unlike blogging, YouTube isn't reliant on getting backlinks. Instead, it's about engagement and getting them off YouTube and to your website.

My marketing plan this year is changing from 2019 to really focus on video and email marketing.