Door to Door

Which is the only thing it should be used for! I see too many agents trying to find a flyer that will SELL THE PLAN FOR THEM! All a flyer should be used for is an ice breaker, it gets you butt in the door.

Don't expect someone to call you and say, "Hello, I got your flyer you dropped off, if you can swing by this Monday so I can fill out an application, I'm really excited to be working with you and talking about insurance!"

If someone has a flyer that will do that let me know?

Hey, I have that flyer, will happily sell it do any takers!:D
After watching a few episodes of Darren Brown, I am doing some research on subliminal marketing. I want to design a flyer that will embed a hidden message that compels them to "Buy from Barry". At the same time, I am working on a technique whereby I hypnotise the person as soon as I hand them the flyer. This is gonna be great!

In all seriousness, I am researching the subliminal marketing angle - I think it has a place and can be incorporated into a flyer.

You are getting sleepy........very, very are relaxed.........:SLEEP:..............NOW BUY DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:noteworthy:
There was a time when I did knock on doors. Have too many other things going on now to do that, but it was successful.

I would knock on the door, introduce myself and hand them a business card.

I would tell them that I had just been assigned this territory and wanted to briefly stop by to introduce myself and drop off some information.

I would ask them if they are on Medicare and what company they currently have their policy with. (I know who other companies are in the area and what they charge.)

Unless they have a company that I represent I will tell them that I'm sure their company is paying their bills, but a lot of my clients use to have that company and left because the premiums got too high.

I would then tell them how much a policy would be with me and ask them if they would be interested in learning more and saving $xxx per month.

Offering to do a "free policy review" is a dead give away that you are going to try to sell them something. Nothing is "for free" so I would never recommend that be tried. People today are smarter than that.

I don't need to know what plan they have, 90+% are going to have Plan F, if they do I know that I stand a 60% chance or better of walking out with an app.

That is only one way of doing it that has worked for me. Find something that fits your personality, that is what gets you in the door. Just being yourself, laid back and relaxed. Dance like no one is looking and sell insurance as though you really don't need the sale.
Sleepy..........sleepy........:SLEEP:.............I am feel sick when you see me...........sleepy.........Health insurance..........sleepy.......

I think I'm getting the hang of this now.
Sleepy..........sleepy........:SLEEP:.............I am feel sick when you see me...........sleepy.........Health insurance..........sleepy.......

I think I'm getting the hang of this now.

I'll buy everyone on the block a policy, where do I sigh?