Door to Door

Door to Door is a rough life is that sustainable long term?

It wasn't for me. However, I worked with an agent for almost four years before I became independent who did it all day every day.

He absolutely refused to talk on the phone. He got up in the morning and left home early. He would stay out all day and into the evening if necessary but would not return home until he made a sale.

He was always in the top three in sales for the year. He had retired from the Marines and decided he wanted to sell insurance. One of the nicest, hardest working, most honest guys I have ever met.

So yes, it can be done long term. He may still be there for all I know. The difference between him and most of the other agents in the office was that he wasn't afraid of hard work and doing what it took for him to be successful. He made well over $100,000 per year in the mid 90's working on 15% commission. He was using voter registration lists.