Dr. Oz says commission churning for MA plan is big issue

So what's to prevent call centers from lieing on every app using sep " change of status " ? Carriers don't ask for proof as of now .In reality I got 3-4 people every month losing and gaining Medicaid . I'll be monitoring my business very close . If I see call centers trying to take my clients still I'll be 3 way calling the carrier filing complaints the client never had any change . Carriers want the business and won't check crap

I know for a fact this is happening.
That's an interesting. You'd be fighting CMS violations by committing a CMS violation. Also kinda hypocritical considering some of the sales tactics you've admitted to *door-knocking*...
I disagree . Every call center on the planet breaks cms rules cold calling seniors for Medicare and I accept that .I have cards they filled out and mailed back in . I'm door knocking them for med sups and fe . If the conversation goes to mapd so be it .
I haven't read through this whole conversation thread. But there is no doubt that churning is an issue within the MA business model. My clients are telling me they are gettin hammered with calls lately, more than previous years.

Clearly the marketing rules are not working, despite stricter rules.

Last night I had a thought, that might just be the solution.... make all mapd agent and override commissions paid as earned. No more advancing. Like and Unlike plan change, as earned. Simple.

The whole community will make a sacrifice for the longevity of the business.
Yes this could work I'd be on board
No it doesn't matter who your fmo is but the whole pt of why I mentioned it is the fmo almost makes 2x ($250) the commission vs a renewing policy ($12.50 a month or $150 a yr) . My pt in mentioning this is an agent with a big block of business is now extremely valuable to an fmo . We all have to move many more people that yrs ago . The agent makes no more whether he moves the client to a new plan or it just renews . There's zero financial incentive for an agent to flip his book unless he's desperate for up front cash . Every good agent wants to leave all clients alone and concentrate on new business . But there's a huge financial benefit for the fmo to have agents flip there book with 2 times the override .

Wait until you find out that some carriers pay a full override (rather than half) on a like plan change. And add to when you sell an mapd plan during AEP, the override is paid during AEP, unlike the agent commission. So, imagine a call center, has most (if not all) of the override levels, and you begin to see the conflicts of interest. Also a carrier may pay some sort of bonus for volume sales, and then a call center (or any entity that has a high volume of LOA business), may structure the pay for LOA agents in a way that incentivizes volume churning.