Dr. Oz says commission churning for MA plan is big issue

Wait until you find out that some carriers pay a full override (rather than half) on a like plan change. And add to when you sell an mapd plan during AEP, the override is paid during AEP, unlike the agent commission. So, imagine a call center, has most (if not all) of the override levels, and you begin to see the conflicts of interest. Also a carrier may pay some sort of bonus for volume sales, and then a call center (or any entity that has a high volume of LOA business), may structure the pay for LOA agents in a way that incentivizes volume churning.
What chaps my butt is these very same companies making us do ethics courses they don't adhere to. They know damn well what is going on. If anything happens it was a rouge agent in a call room. Sacrifice that agents license, rinse repeat. Upline gets renewals everyone comes out smelling like a rose except the lowest on the totem pole.
A call room agent is a invincibility cloak for the Big 5 Co. and IMO's.
What chaps my butt is these very same companies making us do ethics courses they don't adhere to. They know damn well what is going on. If anything happens it was a rouge agent in a call room. Sacrifice that agents license, rinse repeat. Upline gets renewals everyone comes out smelling like a rose except the lowest on the totem pole.
A call room agent is a invincibility cloak for the Big 5 Co. and IMO's.

Wait, are you suggesting, that a hierarchy would contract a salaried agent, then use that salaried agent to break rules? So when the agent is caught, worst case scenario the agent is termed, and the LOA still has the commissions? Hmmm. Seems like this would be a workaround to abiding by the rules, which cannot exist, so your theory cannot true.
Wait, are you suggesting, that a hierarchy would contract a salaried agent, then use that salaried agent to break rules? So when the agent is caught, worst case scenario the agent is termed, and the LOA still has the commissions? Hmmm. Seems like this would be a workaround to abiding by the rules, which cannot exist, so your theory cannot true.

Not sure if you're being sarcastic or not but this is exactly what happens!
While not a strong incentive, marketing money and HRA bonuses make
Yes, the little guys don't get enough to incentivize massive churn, but the big guys do. We might get $50 for marketing, the big guys are more like 5x - 7x.

Then overrides. And overrides are based on new to carrier business, not new to Medicare. You can make $250 in overrides on a simple MA plan switch … which means someone in our hierarchies are earning almost as much on our sales as we are earning.

Hard for little guys to compete on an unlevel playing field.
I disagree . Every call center on the planet breaks cms rules cold calling seniors for Medicare and I accept that .I have cards they filled out and mailed back in . I'm door knocking them for med sups and fe . If the conversation goes to mapd so be it .
That's literally a CMS violation... :D:D:D...

You are door knocking DSNP mailers for med supps? RIIIIIIIIIGHT...

If FE prospects casually bring up Medicare so often to explain your production, then why isn't every FE agent also making MAPD sales??? They only bring it up with agents who JUST so happen to have MAPD enrollment books in their cars.

Such a convenient coincidence.

You break the rules all the time. You really have no right to complain about call centers.
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