Dr. Oz says commission churning for MA plan is big issue

If he thinks there are too many brokers they are not going to get rid of the big call centers- they are going to get rid of the independent brokers and say we terminated 30k agent blah blah blah and call it a big win but there corporate buddies that own call centers are safe in fact i bet dr lizard oz already has a back channel deal with a large FMO since corrupt government dealings are out in the open now anyway. He is a licensed insurance agent-you can't trust anything he says for crying out loud.lol
OK calm down. What is bigger Select Quote type call centers, or Integrity who owns all the FMO's who all have independent brokers. If anything he's getting a deal from Integrity.
OK calm down. What is bigger Select Quote type call centers, or Integrity who owns all the FMO's who all have independent brokers. If anything he's getting a deal from Integrity.
i am fired up haha Just another thought what is the easiest way to get rid of agents? -drastically reduce the agent compensation and big FMOs with connections keep their big overrides. .
He needs to look up the definition of churning. It would be different if we got paid something extra for moving clients from one plan to another. Entirely different when we get the same commission regardless of whether they stay put or move to a new plan.

And as we all know, sometimes a change is warranted. Cost of a medication increases drastically on their current plan. Their doctor is no longer in the network of their current plan. Copays for medical services increase on their current plan.
I would assume a contract would keep them in the same plan same coverage.
He needs to look up the definition of churning. It would be different if we got paid something extra for moving clients from one plan to another. Entirely different when we get the same commission regardless of whether they stay put or move to a new plan.

Churn doesn't have to be within your book. Churn is all that call centers do. That's why they eliminated the quarterly SEP for duals, to reduce churn . And because of marketing money FMO's and many agents do get paid more for churning their own BoB.
i am fired up haha Just another thought what is the easiest way to get rid of agents? -drastically reduce the agent compensation and big FMOs with connections keep their big overrides. .

What makes you think they want to get rid of agents? Only people who have expressed any desire to get rid of agents are Bernie Sanders types who want to eliminate health insurance companies entirely.
funny that dr oz sold MA plans on his show and even got licensed as an agent.I see he needs to do is CE soon .lol

Licensee Detail

License #:
Full Name:
Business Address:
Mailing Address:
(201) 941-6048

NPN #:

Continuing Education Statistics
CE Due Date:
Continuing Education Status:
In Progress
Number of Hours Required:
Number of Hours Complete
Not for nothing but this is both hilarious and ridiculous.

I would like more insurance commissioners and people in power over our livelihoods to have actually sold insurance before but does anyone think he's actively selling policies?

Someone enlighten me as to why he would have attained this license other than to say he has it and/or own a call center himself lol.
Not for nothing but this is both hilarious and ridiculous.

I would like more insurance commissioners and people in power over our livelihoods to have actually sold insurance before but does anyone think he's actively selling policies?

Someone enlighten me as to why he would have attained this license other than to say he has it and/or own a call center himself lol

he actually was hawking Medicare advantage as trusted tv doctor that may not be illegal but it is slimy as hell sort of like if your pcp tried to sell you something ..He knows the business and how lucrative it can be for fmo's He doesn't care about you or me but he does care about lining his pockets so my theory is that since corrupt gov deals are out in the open under this admin i think he will stifle independent brokers in favor of the big operators and profit from it.

BTW why is Dr Oz blocking this video of his informercial from being posted?

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