Drinking Coffee...

D2D has no sex, profanity (that I recall), nudity or violence.

Macy and Helen Mirren make it worth watching just for the acting.

What makes the movie appealing is the broad application. This is not just for sales people, but anyone who struggles with life.

Even more, it is a true story.

I cried because I had no shoes until I met a man who has no feet.
I watched "Door to Door" this afternoon. What an incredible story! You know, I think I have a pretty solid work ethic, but next to Bill Porter I'm a slob!

I loved the sandwiches his mom made for him - "PATIENCE" and "PERSEVERANCE"!

In an age when new agents are coming out of a "fast food" and "instant messaging" culture, they tend to lack the tool set to sit down, listen and sell.