Drinking Coffee...

First time I saw Archie Bunker I was shocked. Then I realized he was a TV persona that was almost exactly like a relative. Except the relative didn't have Archie's "soft side"

You mention D2D. If you have never seen this movie you should watch it. Bill Porter (the REAL Bill Porter) should be an inspiration for anyone who says D2D and in home sales is too difficult. Bill is no longer here but he is a true legend in the Watkins history.

Yes I have and I think every agent weather they d2d should see it as well. Inspiration of what "keeping on keeping on" is all about.
Yes I have and I think every agent weather they d2d should see it as well. Inspiration of what "keeping on keeping on" is all about.
I watched "Door to Door" this afternoon. What an incredible story! You know, I think I have a pretty solid work ethic, but next to Bill Porter I'm a slob!

I loved the sandwiches his mom made for him - "PATIENCE" and "PERSEVERANCE"!