EasyMedicare.com cold calling Advantage plans

I cant speak about this group specifically, but there's no doubt that companies are breakimg the rules like this. I know for certain because I have receive the calls on my personal phone number which is on the DNC list. Most of the time they start out as a recorded message, asking if Id have medicare and am interested in the extra dental and vision benefits, i answer yes, then get transferred to a live person, who also confirms what I just said, and that im interested in extra dental and vision, then another transfer and so on, no mention of advantage plans specifically, but it's clear to me that's exactly what they are marketing. It's clear violation.
I agree with Vic that a lot of people don't recall filling forms on FB etc. However, when I read the original post I notice:

1. The company admitted to making calls to beneficiaries to review benefits. These are unsolicited calls. The caller to the lady didn't reference her request for info. When coupled with the company's admission of calling beneficiaries to do "benefit reviews", it suggests to me they are unsolicited outbound calls.

2. We in the industry know a "bait and switch" line of crap when we hear it and to do a Medicare benefit review is simply that. No one is calling to see if someone is taking advantage of their vaccination benefit. The word Medicare is being used as a way of getting around saying Medicare Advantage.

3. You can't use OEP to solicit beneficiaries to make changes without the beneficiary initiating that conversation. The lady simply stated a fact when she said she has a BC Medicare Advantage plan. Making that simple factual statement does not mean she opened the door to a MA solicitation.

These 3 things lead me to agree with Chazm that it is the wild west out there in MA land.
1) There's nothing wrong with making unsolicited calls about Medicare and Private insurance. It becomes problematic when they're calling for Medicare Advantage specifically.

2) Bait and switch is making unsolicited calls about other business as a means to generate leads for Medicare Plans.

As the the org was calling about Medicare, and doesn't know if the person has a Medicare Advantage plan, it isn't bait and switch.

For example, this organization sells Medicare Supplements as well, despite what the Op thinks. It doesn't make it bait and switch if she brings up she has a Medicare Advantage plan and he talks generally about the plan itself, generally, or even talks about her plan specifically.

3) As I said before, if they brought up UHC, that's a violation. Now, if in the process of talking about her plans she says something like, "I don't like that my plan doesn't have dental, does yours?" That's a request for solicitation and a scope needs to be signed.

Another example, "I have Medicare Advantage."

Agent, "How do you like it?"

"I like okay, I don't like that I have to stay in network or I don't have coverage."

Agent, "Oh, I hear that often, not all plans have networks but it seems yours does."

Not a solicitation. Slimy and stretching it, sure.. because they're being led to ask if the agent has any plans like that, but they weren't solicited.

Like I said, if Op really feels there's a violation, his client should report it. It'll get investigated and UHC could pull contracts if it's found to be non-compliant. CMS could be contacted too for tracking and if there's a history it could be fined.

However, calling it a bait and switch is inaccurate.
They didn't go into a Med Sup pitch. They went straight into a MA. Based upon the OP's description of the call I stand by the position this is a bait and switch.

Not looking for an argument. I will respect anyone else's position. Just offering a different perspective.
Ha, this is funny. This company is doing no such thing. This is silly. I help people cold calling all the time for extra help and they switch with me all the time. Since your client does not know all the rules, maybe you told her and led her into saying what she did. I don't know you so I'm not sure. I know how confused clients can get with Medicare.
Travis, Thanks for correcting me.

You have finally answered the life long question: How do you tel-market Medicare Advantage plans and be compliant? Many have asked this question over the years and never found the answer.

According to you, all you need to do is cold call a Medicare beneficiary and get them to say Medicare Advantage and you are free to poach them with a hard sell.

Thanks Buddy!

I've been telling agents this for years. Some believed me and some didn't.

Either way, they still tried to sell her UHC, and as far as I see, there is no mention of a scope being signed or even sent.....so that is a violation if it did not get sent or signed.
Hell no its against the rules. Wild West has just started as 100’s of thousands of ruthless fe guys have been getting into mapd the last 3 yrs plus call centers everywere.The days of sitting back enjoying care free renewals is over. 1/2 your time will be protecting your clients from sharks everywere.
1) There's nothing wrong with making unsolicited calls about Medicare and Private insurance. It becomes problematic when they're calling for Medicare Advantage specifically.

2) Bait and switch is making unsolicited calls about other business as a means to generate leads for Medicare Plans.

As the the org was calling about Medicare, and doesn't know if the person has a Medicare Advantage plan, it isn't bait and switch.

For example, this organization sells Medicare Supplements as well, despite what the Op thinks. It doesn't make it bait and switch if she brings up she has a Medicare Advantage plan and he talks generally about the plan itself, generally, or even talks about her plan specifically.

3) As I said before, if they brought up UHC, that's a violation. Now, if in the process of talking about her plans she says something like, "I don't like that my plan doesn't have dental, does yours?" That's a request for solicitation and a scope needs to be signed.

Another example, "I have Medicare Advantage."

Agent, "How do you like it?"

"I like okay, I don't like that I have to stay in network or I don't have coverage."

Agent, "Oh, I hear that often, not all plans have networks but it seems yours does."

Not a solicitation. Slimy and stretching it, sure.. because they're being led to ask if the agent has any plans like that, but they weren't solicited.

Like I said, if Op really feels there's a violation, his client should report it. It'll get investigated and UHC could pull contracts if it's found to be non-compliant. CMS could be contacted too for tracking and if there's a history it could be fined.

However, calling it a bait and switch is inaccurate.

The TV Commercials they have now are more bait and switch than this

Even the popular mailers that FMO''s Love about some ominous changes in medicare is a bait and switch too

But you are right that call is not that
Vic the truth is if mailers were straight forward they’d be cost prohibitive to mail . As I said tons of new agents entering the Medicare space as IMO’s recruiting like crazy saying renewals for life . Passive income !!!! Bs if you don’t stay in contact with your clients 2 times a yr on mapd and talk to them they’ll be gone fast .