EFES in South Miami??

I never could quite understand the part about "figuring out how to drop in your area". Sounds like shallow pockets rather than deep pockets.

It's pretty simple. When a company has ONE agent working in an area and they are trying to get a rythem going of a certain number of leads per week for that one agent, it's takes some testing to perfect it. especially when they are holding down the lead cost to the agent because any wasted money is eventually going to affect the agents at some point.

If a company has multiple agents just selling anywhere and everywhere they have no concerns with just dumping a bunch of mail and/or TV and selling the leads at a profit to multiple agents. Especially if that company also trys to market those same leads directly (cutting out their own agents) AND reselling them a 3rd time as B leads a couple of months later.

When leads are a profit center it's like a license to print money for the company.
Insurance man, hi. I've been reading post also reading yours. You do pretty well with Lincoln Heritage I believe you said. I use to be a debit agent in the mid 90's and looking to get into final expense full time in California... I was looking in to LH and EFES. I hear Blue Cross has one as well. What route should I go.
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I never could quite understand the part about "figuring out how to drop in your area". Sounds like shallow pockets rather than deep pockets.

Insurance man, hi. I've been reading post also reading yours. You do pretty well with Lincoln Heritage I believe you said. I use to be a debit agent in the mid 90's and looking to get into final expense full time in California... I was looking in to LH and EFES. I hear Blue Cross has one as well. What route should I go.

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On what I think is a funny side note, Jim Jenkins was posting on this forum everyday until Frank asked him why he wasn't paying the money he promised. He has not posted since, That was November 13th. Guess the deadbeat ran away. Sorry Frank, probably not funny to you.