Shading the truth....what an off the wall statement. I have no ownership interest in this marketing program or any other. I am a producer that appreciates the forum as a resource to gather information to help make an informed decision. Unless someone is trying to protect some program they are promoting why would someone on an open forum like this that is meant to give and share knowledge want to shade the truth? Perhaps people that do shade the truth and/or make comments like what you just made are in reality doing it to skew the opinions of producers in their favor because in fact they themselves are not a producer but a seller of a lead program trying to protect its standing in the eyes of producers. If a lead promoter is posting comments as if they are a producer themselves to protect their own interest is doing an unethical disservice to the real producers that are on this forum seeking the truth and/or giving an accurate accessment of a given lead program based upon their personal experience.