Enhanced Jane Leads.....

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I don't like disconnects or when there's no house at the address when I go to door knock. None of them are 100%. I've also tried lists from Sales Genie, InfoFree and Data Base USA...there wasn't much difference that I could see. Since I'm "cheap", I'll go with unlimited.:)

The reality is that there are only a handful of companies that do the compiling work ("making" the data) and pretty much all roads lead to InfoGroup, Experian, or Acxiom. The updates come out quarterly and not all of the budget list brokers will get the updates when they come out for a variety of reasons.

The reality is that the data quality with ListShack.com is actually pretty close to that of any other vendor, even LRG. The handful of times folks have come to me with data quality complaints about the data in the unlimited access for $50/month and I've replaced it with LRG data, they had the exact same complaints which means it's probably more of a compile issue than anything else. Compilers are at the mercy of the sources and if the sources aren't accurate then it's going to ripple through every vendor.
I agree. If you need a lot of data and don't care about accuracy, $50 a month is a great deal.

However, most agents don't use more than 1,000-2,000 names a month. Time spent calling or mailing to old data costs a fortune.

I've been told by a well respected list broker that the data I access is the best available and well worth over twice what I'm charging non-members. I'd love to charge less but was cut off because at least one vendor raised "hell" that I was selling too cheap. So I have to charge at least $35.

So you can go for "cheap" and less accurate or pay a reasonable amount and get accuracy. Every agent has a choice.

Rick is using the polite version of a famous quote from Ruskin: If you want to buy good, clean hay you need to pay a fair price. However, you can always get that hay cheaper after it has worked its way through the horse
Rick is using the polite version of a famous quote from Ruskin: If you want to buy good, clean hay you need to pay a fair price. However, you can always get that hay cheaper after it has worked its way through the horse

How much hay do insurance agents use?
I actually don't disagree with you on the accuracy. Sometimes it doesn't matter. I've sold some of those inaccurate ones. One of those also led to 3 more Med Supps.

I don't like disconnects or when there's no house at the address when I go to door knock. None of them are 100%. I've also tried lists from Sales Genie, InfoFree and Data Base USA...there wasn't much difference that I could see. Since I'm "cheap", I'll go with unlimited.:)

I have used quite a few different data vendors. Rick's vendor has the best quality data out there.
So last week when Sam said he was shutting down the religion and politics forum I wondered where I would get me dose of forum trash posts...... and then the FE forum comes to the rescue.
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