Enroll America - Here's the Solution Folks!

Here are the instructions for the application Ann referenced.

And it is 61 pgs, not 60.

Only the government could place the words "Streamlined Application...." at the bottom of every one of a 61 page application. Why does it say, "Items in Online Application for Comment" at the bottom of each page? Are we expected to help fill out the paper application and then sit down at a computer and enter everything on the online app?

What minimum first-year and renewal commission level would agents accept for this much effort and frustration.. especially when one item doesn't match up with personal data contained in Uncle Sam's new database?
The app is still in the open "comment" period before finalizing.
Love the picture of the stack of regulations - 20,000 pages tall..........taller than Ann

I don't share too many political pictures on FaceBook, but this one I had to!
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It will be fun to watch. Here are some funny lines I selected from the article:

1) If anyone in your household is offered health insurance on the job but does not take it, be prepared for some particularly head-scratching questions. For example: "What's the name of the lowest cost self-only health plan the employee listed above could enroll in at this job?"

2) The government estimates its online application will take a half hour to complete, on average. If you need a break, or have to gather supporting documents, you can save your work and come back later. The paper application is estimated to take an average of 45 minutes.

3) Drafts of the paper application and a 60-page description of the online version... run counter to the vision of simplicity promoted by administration officials.

4) HHS estimates it will receive more than 4.3 million applications for financial assistance in 2014, with online applications accounting for about 80 percent of them. Because families can apply together, the government estimates 16 million people will be served.

Here's my answer:

Dear Government, please research PCIP enrollment where only 3 things were required: 1) be an American Citizen; 2) have a pre-existing condition for which you cannot obtain health insurance; 3) have no health insurance for the prior 6 months. The govt estimated that 4 million people were eligible, but about 5% of them would enroll. Actually, about 2.36% enrolled.

Going through that subsidy and identification screening document (which is all it is) I might need to employ a CPA to help answer some of those questions for my clients!
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Here's the Catch 22 in all this.

Most folks that will (supposedly) qualify for a subsidy have little or no tax records. Many will also have "off the radar" income.

This idea of creating a simple system where folks can buy insurance just like ordering from Amazon is a joke.

I wonder how many that should qualify for a subsidy will just give up, and how many will lack the documentation to complete the process.
I see a very difficult sales process for agents assisting clients. It won't be a one call sale, it will take several calls because of clients having to gather past income information, forecasting income, group plan access price info, etc etc. The only easy cut & dry cases will be higher income clients.

So, if someone sends in a paper financial application, how and when do they choose a specific health plan?

And on the application, I see no place for an agent to place a broker number/name......only CAC's and NAV's
I know it's either ignorance or on purpose.

Case in point, the other post I made announcing the HHS national exchange call included over 100 email addresses for top contacts in the CC section of the email. Isn't that an ICANN infraction?
So, I sent an email to NAHU mentioning the lack of a space for an agent on the app, here is their response. This is going to be a cluster F with the gov't running things:

[FONT=&quot]Yes, we plan to comment on that. HHS made the assumption that brokers would only be involved in applications filed through the broker portal on an electronic basis. They did not consider that people may interpret the lack of the mention of a broker to mean brokers were not an option nor did they realize that people may use paper and then turn to a broker.[/FONT]