Enrollment Extension


100+ Post Club
Regarding the extension of the regular enrollment period for an undisclosed time under the "honor system", I really don't get it. As far as I've been reading, the possibilities that hindered you from applying could be multiple and range from a medical emergency to tech glitches on the web site or mere procrastination. I've seen no box to check for outstanding circumstances and as far as I see it, any reason could be good enough to apply. By the way who's going to ask why your tardy?
Please note that I'm not referring too qualifying life events which would allow enrollments after the regular open period.

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What's to get?

They want to give people 2 more weeks, they don't want to change a deadline after all the flak they caught after all the other extensions, so they qualified this one with a reason.

It just so happens, they include reasons like "a planned marketplace system outage" that inevitably occurred so that all those who want to may apply.

Classic case of having your cake and eating it too.
It's now official. The 2014 Open Enrollment will REALLY END on April 15th, according to wording added at the bottom of this page at the HC.gov marketplace.

Ref: https://www.healthcare.gov/what-if-i-tried-to-enroll-by-march-31-but-didnt-finish-in-time/

It's interesting that a few prospects sounded happy that they had missed the March 31st deadline when I called them on April 1st to let them know that they actually could still enroll this week. Naturally they've found another excuse to stay uninsured.

These will be the folks who sit there glaring at their 2014 tax return like a deer in the headlights upon reaching the "calculate your penalty for not having health insurance" section. What's really ironic is if they file their 2014 taxes after 2/15/2015, the 2015 Open Enrollment will be over! The 2015 penalty will be 100% higher than 2014.

The push to allow Open Enrollment to run until April 15th EVERY YEAR is probably a good idea for the uninsured especially. After calculating the penalty, uninsured taxpayers who are "on the fence" will be more likely to pick up the phone and call us to get covered. If Open Enrollment ends before tax-filing season ends, we'll not be able to help a lot of those who suddenly want to come down on the legal side of the ACA fence.
Still want to "Play" without being "in line", only in these states:

eHealthInsurance.com Investor Relations

eHealth has identified states in which at least one health insurance company continues to accept new health insurance applications beyond the March 31, 2014 deadline for the ACA's nationwide open enrollment period. These states include Arizona, California, Georgia, Hawaii, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio, Oregon, Utah, Virginia, and Washington1. Health insurance companies in other states may also decide to accept applications.
Still want to "Play" without being "in line", only in these states:

eHealthInsurance.com Investor Relations

eHealth has identified states in which at least one health insurance company continues to accept new health insurance applications beyond the March 31, 2014 deadline for the ACA's nationwide open enrollment period. These states include Arizona, California, Georgia, Hawaii, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio, Oregon, Utah, Virginia, and Washington1. Health insurance companies in other states may also decide to accept applications.

I wonder which one the VA one is....haven't seen anything of the sort
I wonder which one the VA one is....haven't seen anything of the sort

You gotta touch base with the carriers. Start with the Co-ops who failed, or those hungry for biz, or the higher priced carriers, and probably only OFF exchange

Here in AZ, Health Net is still allowing OFF exchange biz til 4/15. And Meritus (Co-op) is supposedly offering OFF exch all year long.
You gotta touch base with the carriers. Start with the Co-ops who failed, or those hungry for biz, or the higher priced carriers, and probably only OFF exchange

Here in AZ, Health Net is still allowing OFF exchange biz til 4/15. And Meritus (Co-op) is supposedly offering OFF exch all year long.

There are no co-ops and I'm licensed with all of the companies in VA. No word from anyone...they are all SEP-only. Maybe they know something we don't.
There are no co-ops and I'm licensed with all of the companies in VA. No word from anyone...they are all SEP-only. Maybe they know something we don't.

Maybe you can run a quote at e-health and see what VA carrier they suggest for a non-SEP situation.