Facebook Marketing


New Member
Im trying to get the owner of my agency to get on board with facebook marketing has anyone used it? Has it been beneficial to you? how many appointments have you gotten from it
Yeah I have experience with Facebook marketing. I owned an ad agency for 10 years.

Once I got into insurance, I did 0 advertising and instead got training on how to properly ask for referrals. For the price of a two week advertising budget, I got proper training on how to ask for referrals. Now I consistently have more leads than I have time to follow up on, and of course an extremely high close rate.

Of course you can spend money on Facebook advertising instead with low returns and an even lower close rate. Your choice. Most people fail in insurance, largely because of poor choices like that.
OK. I'll bite.

What is the proper way?

Well, this would be where you put your big boy (or girl) pants on and do some research, read yelp! reviews, etc. and find out who provides the best training in your specific niche. It's a bit different process depending on what you sell, and I can't do all the work for you. I am a fan of Polestar, but the course was thousands of dollars. Below should give you a start.

We do Facebook marketing. Anywhere from $3-$5 per Lead is our current cost per lead. About a 14% transfer rate
FB marketing can be very beneficial. My business has increased dramatically from it. I had to take the time to learn how to do it, but once I did it worked great.

Think about targeting the exact type of client you want to do business with and where to find them. That's who you market to and the close rate is much higher because they are looking for what you sell for the most part.

Getting referrals is the next best way, but we are in a new age and new era in an old industry.

I agree with you. In my opinion, it's time to upgrade. Embrace technology and use it to your advantage.