Family First Life

Hello Cynthia. I'm new to FFL as well. I spent 24 years in state government so this is my new 2nd career. I'm newly licensed (now 3 months) and of course never worked in the insurance biz before. I see many of the responses and at least in my opinion are from people who never worked for FFL before, are overly negative, and/or are not high producers themselves. Speaking from my own experience, FFL has delivered on everything they said when I first joined them. I started at 100% comp and after submitting close to $20,000 annual premium my first month was promoted to 110% comp. The last two months I have submitted just shy of $20,000 of annual premium each month so at least I'm maintaining a consistent production level. Now how much am I actually getting paid??? Well, the last 3 month average I'm pocketing about $13,000 a month with approximately $4000-$5000 due to me in months 10, 11, and 12 (three equal payments). This is all new to me but the carriers advance you 75% of the annual premium sold, at whatever comp level your contracted with them. The remaining 25% of what they owe you comes in three payments in months 10, 11, and 12. It was explained to me the reason this is the way it is structured is in case the client cancels or the policy otherwise lapses before the year is up. In that case the carriers do take their money back (called charge back) for the months remaining that the client did not pay for. I have not had one yet. As for leads, yes, FFL does advise to purchase as many fresh leads as you are able to afford so that you have a regular fresh stream of prospects, but you don't have to. From what I hear other insurance agencies make you give a list of your family and friends with the expectation you (or other agents from that agency) try to sell them a policy. Don't know if this is true but FFL does not ask for any such type of lists. I do spend approximately $1000 to $1200 a month on leads, but the return is more than exceptional. Just FYI I started with just $375 as my first lead purchases and after the return on that first expense reinvested on more leads and it just took off from there. Again, this is just my own experience. From my own interactions and observations, others are doing way better than me, and others are no doing as well. When it comes down to it, you are a "1099" self-employed business person, and like any person that is self-employed, your success is directly correlated to the time, effort, and commitment you give your business. I'm sure there are other great insurance companies out there but for someone who does not know anything different I am totally convinced I'm where I should be.

Well, you just don't know what you don't know! Give it time, you'll figure it out.
24 years in state government my enforcement management. My writing will be detailed and long out of habit....sorry. And for the guy who got a headache.....good....maybe you will take a pill and chill. I was clear I am with FFL, so I am an FFL person. No need to fabricate or lie. In the end to each their own.

This post was not to sell you or anyone else on FFL, but to provide Cynthia an answer to her question based on my own experience. Perhaps instead of being trolls or having negative comments you could actually add something of value to the discussion. Please share your positive experiences with your agency or maybe enlighten us on your own monthly production and earnings......always open to learn from those who are positive, inspiring, and have more experience.
24 years in state government my enforcement management. My writing will be detailed and long out of habit....sorry. And for the guy who got a headache.....good....maybe you will take a pill and chill. I was clear I am with FFL, so I am an FFL person. No need to fabricate or lie. In the end to each their own.

This post was not to sell you or anyone else on FFL, but to provide Cynthia an answer to her question based on my own experience. Perhaps instead of being trolls or having negative comments you could actually add something of value to the discussion. Please share your positive experiences with your agency or maybe enlighten us on your own monthly production and earnings......always open to learn from those who are positive, inspiring, and have more experience.
Dan, so sorry you can't take constructive criticism. :rolleyes:

I am a Troll and you need to learn how to use paragraph's. :yes:

I don't need a chill pill. I'll just smoke some pot. That should get rid of the headache you gave me. :jiggy:
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Billyb, I have been following my upline's lead plan from day 1 which taught me to diversify as much as possible so I'm working them all. I get mortgage protection, final expense, and life insurance leads. I also work a decent amount of discounted 2nd chance leads. I did kick up my lead budget last month and this month by a couple hundred dollars as I'm now trying the direct mail mortgage protection leads which are more costly than the online ones I was getting, but I'm converting a higher percentage of those. In short I'm sticking to what has been working for me from the beginning and duplicating it each month while making slight adjustments as I learn and continue to develop in my new chosen profession. Someone posted that my lingo was to detailed for someone who was new so I guess I should consider it a compliment, but truth be told this is not rocket science. After several months of training, a decent amount of in-home presentations, dials setting appointments, copying what the top producers are doing, and a fair amount of f-ups and learning from those mistakes, you should be able to speak from some competent level of knowledge. Still have a lot to learn but I'll be damned if I don't give it my best shot while doing it. I know this went a little long but that was my intent in hopes I cause a particular perp an aneurysm but that's just wishful thinking
Billyb, I have been following my upline's lead plan from day 1 which taught me to diversify as much as possible so I'm working them all. I get mortgage protection, final expense, and life insurance leads. I also work a decent amount of discounted 2nd chance leads. I did kick up my lead budget last month and this month by a couple hundred dollars as I'm now trying the direct mail mortgage protection leads which are more costly than the online ones I was getting, but I'm converting a higher percentage of those. In short I'm sticking to what has been working for me from the beginning and duplicating it each month while making slight adjustments as I learn and continue to develop in my new chosen profession.

Someone posted that my lingo was to detailed for someone who was new so I guess I should consider it a compliment, but truth be told this is not rocket science. After several months of training, a decent amount of in-home presentations, dials setting appointments, copying what the top producers are doing, and a fair amount of f-ups and learning from those mistakes, you should be able to speak from some competent level of knowledge. Still have a lot to learn but I'll be damned if I don't give it my best shot while doing it. I know this went a little long but that was my intent in hopes I cause a particular perp an aneurysm but that's just wishful thinking
Would be easier on those that want to read what you have to say if you would use paragraphs.. :yes:
Billyb, I have been following my upline's lead plan from day 1 which taught me to diversify as much as possible so I'm working them all. I get mortgage protection, final expense, and life insurance leads. I also work a decent amount of discounted 2nd chance leads. I did kick up my lead budget last month and this month by a couple hundred dollars as I'm now trying the direct mail mortgage protection leads which are more costly than the online ones I was getting, but I'm converting a higher percentage of those. In short I'm sticking to what has been working for me from the beginning and duplicating it each month while making slight adjustments as I learn and continue to develop in my new chosen profession. Someone posted that my lingo was to detailed for someone who was new so I guess I should consider it a compliment, but truth be told this is not rocket science. After several months of training, a decent amount of in-home presentations, dials setting appointments, copying what the top producers are doing, and a fair amount of f-ups and learning from those mistakes, you should be able to speak from some competent level of knowledge. Still have a lot to learn but I'll be damned if I don't give it my best shot while doing it. I know this went a little long but that was my intent in hopes I cause a particular perp an aneurysm but that's just wishful thinking

"I know this went a little long but that was my intent in hopes I cause a particular perp an aneurysm but that's just wishful thinking."

You really wish someone would get an aneurysm? That's pretty low down. You're new here, so now might be a good time to put a check on yourself if you want to remain on this forum.
"I know this went a little long but that was my intent in hopes I cause a particular perp an aneurysm but that's just wishful thinking."

You really wish someone would get an aneurysm? That's pretty low down. You're new here, so now might be a good time to put a check on yourself if you want to remain on this forum.
Get off your soap box Todd and stay on topic. It was clearly a figure of speech meant in jest, albeit a lil dark, but still not intended to be taken literally.

I addressing your veiled threat to remove me from this forum, new or old to this forum, who are you to suddenly twist this thread around and judge me based on one sentence in a long paragraph of information provided in reply to a question asked of me. If you even had the authority to do so, that would be a pretty sad bar of moderation to set, which to be honest, if that was the case would not bother me one bit.

That said I will leave it at that.
"I know this went a little long but that was my intent in hopes I cause a particular perp an aneurysm but that's just wishful thinking."

My brother passed away June 1st almost two years ago of something similar to a brain aneurysm. Since he was a 34-year-old white male and PA is one of the top three States for opioid deaths, the police treated it like suspicious death.

The very next day the coroner was able to tell my family it was a brain hemorrhage, but we didn't know for another six months that it was caused by a brain tumor called a ganglioglioma. He had one when he was nine years old, and it may have come back.

You have no idea of the pain peoples' families go through when they lose someone to these obviously. I advise against making insensitive comments like this again if you want to remain on the forum or in the industry. My parents have aged considerably since his untimely passing.
"I know this went a little long but that was my intent in hopes I cause a particular perp an aneurysm but that's just wishful thinking."

My brother passed away June 1st almost two years ago of something similar to a brain aneurysm. Since he was a 34-year-old white male and PA is one of the top three States for opioid deaths, the police treated it like suspicious death.

The very next day the coroner was able to tell my family it was a brain hemorrhage, but we didn't know for another six months that it was caused by a brain tumor called a ganglioglioma. He had one when he was nine years old, and it may have come back.

You have no idea of the pain peoples' families go through when they lose someone to these obviously. I advise against making insensitive comments like this again if you want to remain on the forum or in the industry. My parents have aged considerably since his untimely passing.
Did not mean for you to, but nevertheless thank you for sharing. I too have seen death way to many times, some that touched my family, so I know the pain quite too well. And for that I apologize. As previously stated not my intent and will use better judgement in the future.