Family First Life

"I know this went a little long but that was my intent in hopes I cause a particular perp an aneurysm but that's just wishful thinking."

You really wish someone would get an aneurysm? That's pretty low down. You're new here, so now might be a good time to put a check on yourself if you want to remain on this forum.
I believe that was me that Dan sent the aneurysm wish to. Sorry to disappoint you Dan, but I'm still here and enjoying a nice buzz. :yes::jiggy:
Get off your soap box Todd and stay on topic. It was clearly a figure of speech meant in jest, albeit a lil dark, but still not intended to be taken literally.

I addressing your veiled threat to remove me from this forum, new or old to this forum, who are you to suddenly twist this thread around and judge me based on one sentence in a long paragraph of information provided in reply to a question asked of me. If you even had the authority to do so, that would be a pretty sad bar of moderation to set, which to be honest, if that was the case would not bother me one bit.

That said I will leave it at that.

I wasn't threatening to remove you, I was just letting you know that stuff like that would get you banned if you're not careful, that's all.
I pay $30 for DM and $20 for FB. You only get 40 to 60 leads for $1200. Being able to sell $20,000AP from so few leads is remarkable. Your close ratio and case size must be way more than the average agent. I close 20 to 25% and my average AP is around $600.
Chaliaaaj, you don't have to spend $1200 on leads. It's your invest in your business what you wish to get out of it. For me $1200, and then some, has been working great.

Billyb, my close ratio has been tracking at 55% to 65%. Not only that, looks like the price I pay per lead is less than what you pay, at least for the FB leads ($15). Second chance and Cherry Pick leads are only $3 to $8.

I also stated from the beginning "close" and "just shy" of $20,000AP. Last two months $19,230AP and $19,660 respectively.