Farmers Insurance to Cut Commissions and Increase Bonus.

Re: Farmers Insurance to Cutt Commissions and Increase Bonus.

snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil snake oil

It shall never die.
Re: Farmers Insurance to Cutt Commissions and Increase Bonus.

Better yet, pay 1822 to follow you to offices and heckle you when you try to pitch. People will hear you out just because they feel bad for you.

I mean, you just scored a chance to pitch a guy with 400 agents entirely because of it. That's pretty good, I'd say you owe him.
Re: Farmers Insurance to Cutt Commissions and Increase Bonus.

Todd took the blue pill and is happy. More power to him.

I wish him well with his software, although I don't see how it really adds value. It appears to be more just a race to the bottom. There is no concern about if one policy actually provides better coverage than another, simply which is cheaper. Perhaps I am wrong and I welcome him to show me otherwise, but it appears that is what his application does.

insurance1822 often acts like a child, but that doesn't mean he is wrong. I do disagree that it is snake oil, however again I don't see how it plays well to independents who care as much about the quality of the policy as the price.

As always, I welcome Todd to prove me wrong.

And finally, what does Shawn have to lose if Todd is willing to make the trip to Denver and pitch his software. Maybe an hour of his time to listen to him? And if it is a good fit, that is an hour well spent. Even if it isn't, that is part of Shawn's role, to find tools that will help his agents. So still time well spent.
Re: Farmers Insurance to Cutt Commissions and Increase Bonus.

VolAgent is often the Politically Correct voice of Ins1588.

Both are often right.
Re: Farmers Insurance to Cutt Commissions and Increase Bonus.

For the record...

1.) I do think the software (from what has been described..) is a good idea & can absolutely help agents.

2.) Yes - I do hope Todd02 succeeds because he's a fellow AMERICAN and insurance person.

3.) I do also think he's a douche

4.) I am knocking the captive model of buying internet/telemarketing leads & quoting like a call center all day long. This software serves that model which is how I started in the business..and it's just a miserable, miserable way of doing things.

5.) If the stars aligned & I somehow found out where Todd02 was doing a presentation..I would totally barge in dressed up like a big snake & run around the room yelling "snake oil! snake oil!"
Re: Farmers Insurance to Cutt Commissions and Increase Bonus.

VolAgent is often the Politically Correct voice of Ins1588.

Both are often right.

I try...

Even if I don't care for your contract, I still respect your knowledge and what you contribute.
Re: Farmers Insurance to Cutt Commissions and Increase Bonus.

That's funny........................Even though you don't like my contracts......I often respect what you, too bring to the table.

Did you ask for addendums to the contract? And did you provide a business plan to suggest we should make addendums to the Contract?

We like our base contracts but......
Re: Farmers Insurance to Cutt Commissions and Increase Bonus.

That's funny........................Even though you don't like my contracts......I often respect what you, too bring to the table.

Did you ask for addendums to the contract? And did you provide a business plan to suggest we should make addendums to the Contract?

We like our base contracts but......

I could have, but there was such a disconnect between how exiting was presented and how the clause was actually written it that it did not sit well.

Also, you like to advertise being substantially cheaper than a certain group, you're really not. In some ways actually more expensive.

Finally, what made the decision easy. I went to the site and called every single PGI agent in the state. Not one answered or returned a phone call.
Re: Farmers Insurance to Cutt Commissions and Increase Bonus.

You're smarter then I was. I signed up & trusted what I was told by the SIAA rep & my contract has a whole different story to it. Was young, ignorant (still am) and I had blinders on just wanting contracts so I could shake the streets.