- 4,352
Shortly after becoming independent, I bought a robocall computer (legal at the time). At first it was generating as many as 5 leads per day per line. After a couple of years it had dwindled down to 1 lead per day per line. I was also getting a fair number of repeat responders. Then they made it illegal so I quit using it. I attribute the diminished return to more people getting on the DNC list, and more than that doing away with their landline. I fully complied with the law and never dialed anyone on DNC or cell phones.We have access to some pretty good telemarketed leads. The problem is lack of data. In the area I Like to work, it was a struggle to get 20 out of the 30 leads I ordered. But we have agents in other parts of the country who are using those leads as there primary if not only source.
I've thought about using telemarketer leads (like those from @Glen Shelton Lead Heroes), but I'm concerned that they might be reaching only a small percentage of people (the same small percentage that every other "clean" telemarketer is calling), and that to generate enough leads we'd have to cast a somewhat wider net over a larger area than I normally work.