FE Marketing Ideas

I mail 1500 pieces every week costs me 600 a week I write 6-8 apps a week every week I train agents to do the same the ones who follow my program make it the ones who skip mailing fail simple as that.

Wow, if your min is 6 apps/week....thats 24 apps for about 15k per month in AP. Im trying to get to a point where I avg 15 apps a month, geez!! Nice work bro, nic work!

Whats your typical return on 1500 mailers?
You can not makeup the loss of a mailing by loosing more on subsequent mailings bro. The loss just gets bigger.

I can tell that you've had some rough times with mailers, but I will still stand by my words.

What exactly has your experience been with mailers and how many mailings have you done before you came to the conclusion it doesn't work?