FE Sales - Door to Door with Aged Leads?


Any thoughts on going door to door on aged leads (90 days and older) versus calling to set appointments?

Any feedback would be appreciated!
Any thoughts on going door to door on aged leads (90 days and older) versus calling to set appointments?

Any feedback would be appreciated!
It is a good way to knock on doors but while not ideal it generates some activity. Watch what you pay for these leads as you might be trowing away good money.
One of the best weeks I had in the business was doing this very same thing. I was working leads that were over a year old at the time. What really matters is activity and if you can get enough of these close together I would do exactly what you are thinking. With that being said, if you have had success setting appointments over the phone, in a lot of ways there are really no such things as "aged" leads, since these folks are habitual mailers, so give it a shot.
at least your out and about meeting folks. it might be good to have multiple things to talk about , not just FE. just my opinion.
Been there, done that, do it every chance I get. I use the older leads for fillers when I have time between appointments. Not as productive as fresh leads, but enough to make them worth my time,
Yes, door knock. The more face time you can get the better. Don't go out of your way and be efficient. Only knock in the area you will already be.