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Trying your best to make a go of it in FE telesales?
Tired of making hundreds of daily outbound phone calls only to get no answers, voice mails, hang ups and comments like I'm busy, I'm driving, I'm on my break only have a minute and the infamous I'm not interested (wait…not interested but you filled out this lead form on FB just the other day…click)?
Do you dread waking up, sitting at your desk then starting up your CRM for another long, frustrating slug fest session? OR - do you believe F2F sales is just not your cup of tea and you don't know to transition to telesales?
Are you questioning if Final Expense sales is even the right business model for you?
Are you realizing that you cannot possibly sustain your current daily pace for the next 3 months - let alone the next 3 years?
It's NOT you. You can succeed in FE telesales. There are people doing it. It's not magic or rocket science. They aren't that great at sales – I know them and believe me – they're no better than you!
BUT you must have a solid foundation…a steady platform to work from - all the right tools in place to put you in a position to win, to be a steady producer, to earn a great living and actually enjoy your working day…every day.
NO – I am not recruiting you for any down line. I repeat - I am NOT a recruiter. You may, in fact, ultimately decide to leave where you're at – but if you ask me – I'll only suggest some places you may want consider…
So what's that solid foundation or steady platform? I call it the "3 Legged Stool" for success.
You see - without optimizing each and every one of those 3 legs – this business can and will be hard. Most likely you will fail.
And, like a stool without one of its legs or even having just 1 leg too short – how are you going to stand on it? How will you be able to build a long term sustainable business? How will you depend on that foundation for your financial success?
#1 - The first LEG: Carriers and Contracts:
You must align yourself with an IMO or an up-line that has the right carriers to do telesales. This range of carriers allows you to cover most, if not all, health situations - so you'll be able to offer first day coverage to the client.
Whenever possible – ALWAYS try to get the customer a Level policy or Immediate death benefit. There are "captive" Agencies out there where you can ONLY write a ROP/Modified/Graded policy if the client has certain medical conditions like COPD or Diabetic Neuropathy. Run and Hide from them. Ask their recruiter what product they offer to someone with just these 2 conditions so you know going in. Do the right thing. Sleep well at night.
NEVER put someone in a policy with a 2 year wait – IF they can go immediate. NEVER.
Don't put a family at risk…because what goes around comes around. Tell any Agency that wants you to put that person in any plan with a waiting period to take a hike! It also helps you from getting replaced by another telesales agent or door knocker...because if they have a day one product for that customer - your sale is destined to become a charge back!
You must be the pro and be knowledgeable about your carriers. You need to know which does what best…the sweet spots where to take the client with that one medical condition. Know how to navigate the carrier drug guide and know how to get the application and approval done in the most efficient manner. You must be the expert – don't be a bungler.
And, you must get the absolute HIGHEST contract levels you can negotiate in order to maximize your first year commissions. Cash flow from those first year commission advances will be the fuel that powers and sustains your business.
That fuel is crucial to maintaining a solid third LEG.
More on this later.
Tired of making hundreds of daily outbound phone calls only to get no answers, voice mails, hang ups and comments like I'm busy, I'm driving, I'm on my break only have a minute and the infamous I'm not interested (wait…not interested but you filled out this lead form on FB just the other day…click)?
Do you dread waking up, sitting at your desk then starting up your CRM for another long, frustrating slug fest session? OR - do you believe F2F sales is just not your cup of tea and you don't know to transition to telesales?
Are you questioning if Final Expense sales is even the right business model for you?
Are you realizing that you cannot possibly sustain your current daily pace for the next 3 months - let alone the next 3 years?
It's NOT you. You can succeed in FE telesales. There are people doing it. It's not magic or rocket science. They aren't that great at sales – I know them and believe me – they're no better than you!
BUT you must have a solid foundation…a steady platform to work from - all the right tools in place to put you in a position to win, to be a steady producer, to earn a great living and actually enjoy your working day…every day.
NO – I am not recruiting you for any down line. I repeat - I am NOT a recruiter. You may, in fact, ultimately decide to leave where you're at – but if you ask me – I'll only suggest some places you may want consider…
So what's that solid foundation or steady platform? I call it the "3 Legged Stool" for success.
You see - without optimizing each and every one of those 3 legs – this business can and will be hard. Most likely you will fail.
And, like a stool without one of its legs or even having just 1 leg too short – how are you going to stand on it? How will you be able to build a long term sustainable business? How will you depend on that foundation for your financial success?
#1 - The first LEG: Carriers and Contracts:
You must align yourself with an IMO or an up-line that has the right carriers to do telesales. This range of carriers allows you to cover most, if not all, health situations - so you'll be able to offer first day coverage to the client.
Whenever possible – ALWAYS try to get the customer a Level policy or Immediate death benefit. There are "captive" Agencies out there where you can ONLY write a ROP/Modified/Graded policy if the client has certain medical conditions like COPD or Diabetic Neuropathy. Run and Hide from them. Ask their recruiter what product they offer to someone with just these 2 conditions so you know going in. Do the right thing. Sleep well at night.
NEVER put someone in a policy with a 2 year wait – IF they can go immediate. NEVER.
Don't put a family at risk…because what goes around comes around. Tell any Agency that wants you to put that person in any plan with a waiting period to take a hike! It also helps you from getting replaced by another telesales agent or door knocker...because if they have a day one product for that customer - your sale is destined to become a charge back!
You must be the pro and be knowledgeable about your carriers. You need to know which does what best…the sweet spots where to take the client with that one medical condition. Know how to navigate the carrier drug guide and know how to get the application and approval done in the most efficient manner. You must be the expert – don't be a bungler.
And, you must get the absolute HIGHEST contract levels you can negotiate in order to maximize your first year commissions. Cash flow from those first year commission advances will be the fuel that powers and sustains your business.
That fuel is crucial to maintaining a solid third LEG.