Final Expense Company Selection

So, @SPUR CITY , who is your go-to and your runner-up, and why?

It changes with the wind.

I was recently told this is the 4th year in a row that we wrote more Trinity & Family Benefit business than anyone else in the Nation, however as a collective group we write more with MoO than anyone else right now I believe. MoO has name recognition, great pricing, clout, longevity ect...So I believe those 2 are a good 1-2 combo for preferred clients 50-85.

I believe in order to maximize an agents income the more carriers they have access to the better for the client and the agent.

AmAm, the Texas based carrier, may be a major player for us this year with a couple of their recent additions.



 SUPER lenient underwriting
 They don't care about the amount of insulin a client takes (client could take 500 or 600
units of insulin a day and it's still day 1 IMMEDIATE coverage)
 Diabetic neuropathy or nephropathy and medications for those conditions like
Gabapentin or Lyrica are ok (still day 1 IMMEDIATE coverage)
 VERY LIBERAL height/weight chart (5'10 up to 300lbs & still preferred day 1 cov.)
 45 days before first withdrawal rather than most carriers typical 30 days
 Takes ALL forms of payments (credit cards/direct express cards/checking & savings
 SAME Price for all forms of payment unlike some carriers that charge more for credit
cards or direct express
 Awesome incentive trips where they do not 1099 you (this year it's to Hawaii)
 A KNOW BEFORE YOU GO phone interview where you get an answer at the end of the
phone call 9 out of 10 times (this allows you to write a different carrier while you are
still in the house if you get a decline for whatever reason)
 If you do not want to stay to do the 11 minute interview you do not have to & Trinity will
call the client and do the interview at a later time
 One of the fastest phone interviews in the business (average time is 11 minutes)
 They have a knock-out prescription lists that allows you to know if the client will be
 Consistently one of the lowest priced carriers in the market for smokers and non-
 Takes all sorts of heart medications and blood thinners like Plavix, Coumadin, Warfarin
& Elequis and any others as day 1 IMMEDIATE preferred coverage
 They are OK with A-Fib as day one IMMEDIATE coverage
 They pay agents on the policy fee
 If you write $5000 of business with them in a month you get a 5% lead credit
 You can elect for Trinity to mail the policy direct to the client if you are one that doesn't
like to deliver policies
 Easy 1 page front & back application
 They draft correctly on the ACTUAL Social Security dates so your persistency will always
be much higher and then with a normal company (my personal team has over a 90%
persistency in 2017) (1st, 3rd, 2nd, 3rd & 4th WEDNESDAY)
 A free nursing home rider so if a client ever gets admitted to a nursing home they can
use their death benefit to help pay for that cost if wanted
 They will take United States citizens and permanent residents

•SPANISH phone interviews is an option

•You can have a combination of heart trouble in the past plus diabetes, even with
diabetic complications and still get preferred day one immediate coverage

 2 year look back on most anything and everything (including amputations due to diabetes,heart attacks, strokes, cancers and anything you can think of-it's only a two year look back)
 Phone interview is open on Saturdays until 2 PM
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They just seem to interrogate the client more than is necessary. And the interview is longer than my liking. I do like them for COPD because I like to "know before I go"

I was thinking the same thing. I wrote one yesterday because of COPD and the price is competitive with Trans for the same coverage but with "know before I go" being the tie-breaker.

But that INTERVIEW! OMG! By the time it was over I was wishing I had sent the case to Trans (and I'm only half kidding).
They just seem to interrogate the client more than is necessary. And the interview is longer than my liking. I do like them for COPD because I like to "know before I go"
I have to admit, their phone interview is pretty long! If the client is going to be Standard, I write the debit product, which has similar rates and no phone interview at all. (Also if they smoke, I often get a lower rate on the debit product than the preferred smoker rate on the FE product.)
I have to admit, their phone interview is pretty long! If the client is going to be Standard, I write the debit product, which has similar rates and no phone interview at all. (Also if they smoke, I often get a lower rate on the debit product than the preferred smoker rate on the FE product.)

Can you still set it up on draft? Or do you have to actually collect it?