Final Expense: Foresters Vs RNA?

Very screwy. The stories I could tell! I wrote a couple, they both were approved at level (planright FE). They decided they didn't like the way she responded to the ADL question, AFTER apptical had already approved it. I guess they have case expeditors that listen to the interviews?

She said no, but hesitated at first because she didn't understand the question. Anyway, they said in an email which I still have, they were cancellation her policy (even though it was already issued), and if I got a letter from her dr they would reactivate it.

I obtained the letter, which was perfect and her PCP stated she needs no assistance. Hell I wrote her at a local Hardees resteraunt and she drove herself there and walked in.

What does Foresters do? Lose the letter, FOUR TIMES, I kept refaxing and calling and they would say they didn't get it. Then they acknowledged receipt of it, so I assumed all was well. Then I go online one morning to check my commissions a week or so later, and they had debited my commissions $900 (her 9 mth advance).

So I call my FMO and have them investigate. Of course the idiots up there never reinstated her draft (I didn't realize they had suspended it), and after 30 days her policy reverted to a lapse/NTO. Was I ever pissed!

To their credit, after many emails/phone calls from myself and my IMO, they reinstated my commissions and her policy, granted her two months premium for free and said they would start drafting in a month.

But the hell I went through to get that handled!

There are several others I could give you that are similar. Why do I continue to write for them? Because of the POS approval, high commissions and low rates. Even with the latest rate increase, they are still in the ballpark of the other low carriers. Plus I have had good results with their claims, every contestable claim they have had filed on cases I've submitted they have honored, including a $20,000 one that was only in force 12 mths. They didn't even ask for an agents statement or order records. Guess I've just been lucky. I have about 350 or so on the books with them.
As a fraternal do they have to jump though the same hoops with each state that other insurance companies do? If so, I would be filing all of this idiotic stuff with the insurance department on the behalf of your client.
I get the feeling that most of the people working in the In Force Policy department, option 2, are young kids fresh out of high school, not a lot of street smarts or savy. They are very prone to making stupid mistakes.

I still use them because I am an old dog who doesnt like to learn new tricks.
I just had another new RNA policy draft the first month about a week off.

When I put the 3rd on the app, and the client signs it, then freakin draft on the 3rd!!!!

So what do they do? They draft on the 10th, of course!!

I even told the client to watch out for this....RNA, wake up, this is the FE market....
Foresters is really good at sending me emails and keeping me in the loop if there is a problem with a policy. Within the past week I sent them 5 or more policies and everytime I faxed them in I got an email within the hour letting me know they received it.

Americo should do the same. I know JD goes to each carrier every morning to check these things out. But that wouldnt be necessary if they would just send an email upon acceptance and approval and if anything else is needed.
nfl72 said:
Foresters is really good at sending me emails and keeping me in the loop if there is a problem with a policy. Within the past week I sent them 5 or more policies and everytime I faxed them in I got an email within the hour letting me know they received it.

Americo should do the same. I know JD goes to each carrier every morning to check these things out. But that wouldnt be necessary if they would just send an email upon acceptance and approval and if anything else is needed.

That sounds like a good system but no one cares about your commission more than you do. I have uplines that send me emails about pending requirements and most of the time when I get the email I have already sent in the requirement. Then sooner that gets completed the sooner I get paid. I visit every carrier site each morning when I have submitted business with that carrier.
I have agents that stay on top of their pending req's and they've already taken care of it by the time I even know about it.

Then again, I have those agents that, I swear, it seems like they would rather just leave them sitting and could care less about them. It's amazing to watch that sometimes. I'll never understand it.
I have agents that stay on top of their pending req's and they've already taken care of it by the time I even know about it.

Then again, I have those agents that, I swear, it seems like they would rather just leave them sitting and could care less about them. It's amazing to watch that sometimes. I'll never understand it.

Maybe if you didn't drink a case of Old Milwaukee a day, you would be on top of this more often...I also appreciate the fine scotch you sent me for christmas (aged 1 month)...It rotted my stomach:biggrin:
For the record I went to the Pistons game Sat night with free tickets from Foresters. It was an hour and a half drive for me one way. I did see 3 of my clients there. Spoke with them a little and then moved down to ring side seats.

I haven't been to a pistons game in about 12 years and WOW what a difference. I think the Palace holds about 21,000 people. I would bet there were only about 2,000 people there. I spoke with some season ticket holders at the bar before the game started and I guess its been like that all year long. It is hard to beleive they, the players, make the kind of money they make. I have seen bigger crowds at high school games.

The hole stadium was 90% empty. We moved right down to the 2nd row and it was even empty there. It seemed like something out of a county fair. The crowd was all very rough looking and for the most part cheered very little, it was actually like a morgue in there. In fact most of them looked like my typical FE clients.

!5 years ago when the Pistons were good that place was rocking, always sold out and the bars were packed. Now its just a plain ole bummer. The quality of the baksetball was laughable. We left when they stopped seling beer during the 3rd quarter as did most of the crowd.

Spent $125 on beer and barely caught a buz. The food sucked, the beer was warm and even the good looking women were missing some teefus.

In fact I might have considerd trading those tickets for a RNA discount bridge card!
For the record I went to the Pistons game Sat night with free tickets from Foresters. It was an hour and a half drive for me one way. I did see 3 of my clients there. Spoke with them a little and then moved down to ring side seats.

I haven't been to a pistons game in about 12 years and WOW what a difference. I think the Palace holds about 21,000 people. I would bet there were only about 2,000 people there. I spoke with some season ticket holders at the bar before the game started and I guess its been like that all year long. It is hard to beleive they, the players, make the kind of money they make. I have seen bigger crowds at high school games.

The hole stadium was 90% empty. We moved right down to the 2nd row and it was even empty there. It seemed like something out of a county fair. The crowd was all very rough looking and for the most part cheered very little, it was actually like a morgue in there. In fact most of them looked like my typical FE clients.

!5 years ago when the Pistons were good that place was rocking, always sold out and the bars were packed. Now its just a plain ole bummer. The quality of the baksetball was laughable. We left when they stopped seling beer during the 3rd quarter as did most of the crowd.

Spent $125 on beer and barely caught a buz. The food sucked, the beer was warm and even the good looking women were missing some teefus.

In fact I might have considerd trading those tickets for a RNA discount bridge card!

Sounds like when I used to work for Goodyear and we in Cleveland for a meeting and they gave us box seats to a Cavs game. This would have been late 80's when the cavs were terrible. The box seats were concourse level but you just walk down and sit anywhere. Beer was about $6 even then.