New Member
I got 3- one of them I decided to not persue- Equita- spoke to someone there and they said they split the cost on the leads- and their cost is around $65 a piece? blah-- thats an awful return, especially considering they own their own mailing house.. $65 bones?? Man thats less thant a 1% return on a 1000 mailout- I gotta believe they were BS'ng me, splitting that cost of thousand is about the going rate anyways of $325-350 or so per 1000
The other 2 are at about $275 per thousand- you can PM and I'll give you their info- contract still pending so I dont know how their returns are but they say they are aound 1.5 or so-- we'll see
I spoke with Equita in Tampa they had it set up to receive per response just like Lincoln Heritage. It was about 22-25$ per response.