Final Expense Telemarketing Script

Re: Final Expense Door Knocking Tips

Knock three times loudly, and stare back at them in the peephole.

Down here in the south you better only to knock twice..then run like hell to the nearest tree because those peepholes are whittled out big enough to accomodate the barrel of a 12 gauge shotgun.
I recently wrote this in another forum so good time to ask.

I used to door knock for FE sales very successfully.

I would knock on the door. Explain who I am, who I'm with and that I'm out knocking on doors in their neighborhood today to raise community awareness about what we do. Then I would hand them a NICE quality pen with our info on it.

Then you ask "Do you have time to answer a short 3 question survey?" they ALWAYS said yes unless they were a true ass.

1. How long have you lived in the Evansville area?* * They would ramble on about where all they have lived. Didn't really matter.

2. Do you own cemetery property?* *Most do. They will tell you all about buying when a parent, child, spouse or sibling died. They bought it years ago when it was real cheap compared to today and that gives you an opportunity to compliment them for planning ahead.

3. How confident are you that you have everything in order that if you died today, your children or spouse would know exactly what to do and have final expense funds available within two or three days of your death?

The third question can be modified for what you are looking for; save taxes, avoid probate, etc.

The whole key to my approach is that YOU are talking to someone in a non-threatening way and basically screening their personality and level of interest in talking to you. What the exact questions are don't really matter as long as it doesn't take but a minute and allows you to size them up, and they to size you up and you either set an appointment or you don't.

I made a fair number of sales doing this. I was very green when I did it. I would sell more today. I invented this who approach and script and my upline at the time didn't believe in it. Talked me out of doing it even though it worked. I told you I was green.
Back in the day, I use to offer them a lighter or a hot pad, for just 5 mins of their time.

Back in the day...Which day was that...LOL

I carried wienie whistles for the kids on my old Debit route for MetLife...worked like a charm for the family beat.

Nowadays they want the fruit basket for $100 or "A New Car".....

All Kidding aside, I have an excellent script that is pulling great for the MOJO crowd. PM and I will share it with you.
Back in the day...Which day was that...LOL

I carried wienie whistles for the kids on my old Debit route for MetLife...worked like a charm for the family beat.

Nowadays they want the fruit basket for $100 or "A New Car".....

All Kidding aside, I have an excellent script that is pulling great for the MOJO crowd. PM and I will share it with you.

Back when the house wifes didnt work and stay at home.
If they say "they do not remember filling the card in" you say "most of the people I speak with each week don't remember know.. we get so much mail nowadays". (No Pause) Anyways the card says your adress is_____, and your age/b'date is__________, and your wife's/husband's name is________ and their age/b'date is_______. (No Pause) Was this FREE information for both of you or just one of you?

Don't use the word "insurance" this early in your dialog, you'll use it later on when you start talking rates. I say the same thing no matter which state I'm calling to...selling FE over the phone using a digital recorder.

"State approved plans" sounds so much better than "insurance" when you haven't even warmed the prospect up yet.

Great Info!! I use State approved plans all the time - when someone asks "What State Approved Plans" I will say Final Expense plans designed to protect your family.(no pause) So was this free information for you, Jane or for you and Jim...