Final Expense Telesales | The Good & The Bad

Are you doing your own mailers?

No I use mail houses like need a lead. Lead connections, lead concepts . If your going to concentrate on fe I'd find a fixed cost vendor like rgi or one life for $37-$45 a lead . Many parts of the country your looking at only getting 3-5 cards back per 1000 mailers on fe . That's $100 plus a card . I personally like the orginal lead card in hand . The reason being I door knock a lot and many people put an return address stamp on it . They know right away they mailed it .
No I use mail houses like need a lead. Lead connections, lead concepts . If your going to concentrate on fe I'd find a fixed cost vendor like rgi or one life for $37-$45 a lead . Many parts of the country your looking at only getting 3-5 cards back per 1000 mailers on fe . That's $100 plus a card . I personally like the orginal lead card in hand . The reason being I door knock a lot and many people put an return address stamp on it . They know right away they mailed it .

I had an agent buddy in rural Pa. getting those kind of numbers on per thousand drops. He was in the business more than 30 years and a big hitter.

He's now basically out of the business.

He says the increase in TV commercials,offers from credit unions,saturation of mailers made it increasingly difficult to get sufficient mail returns in his area. He doesn't see it getting any better.
Sending out mailers out of the question for him.

Meantime JD would tell you he's having his biggest year ever and he personally knows agents in that area writing 10k per week off 20 RGI mailers.
I had an agent buddy in rural Pa. getting those kind of numbers on per thousand drops. He was in the business more than 30 years and a big hitter.

He's now basically out of the business.

He says the increase in TV commercials,offers from credit unions,saturation of mailers made it increasingly difficult to get sufficient mail returns in his area. He doesn't see it getting any better.
Sending out mailers out of the question for him.

Meantime JD would tell you he's having his biggest year ever and he personally knows agents in that area writing 10k per week off 20 RGI mailers.

Way more than in Pa.

FEX has several $200K per year producers in Pa.

And several of KSKJ's top producers are in Pa. I'm talking about agents not with FEX

And I know of 3 $300K per year producers in Pa.

Nick Frumkin bring one. While also managing the Medicare side of FEX.

You gloom and doomers do seem to find each other though. :D
Way more than in Pa.

FEX has several $200K per year producers in Pa.

And several of KSKJ's top producers are in Pa. I'm talking about agents not with FEX

And I know of 3 $300K per year producers in Pa.

Nick Frumkin bring one. While also managing the Medicare side of FEX.

You gloom and doomers do seem to find each other though. :D

We need to ask Joanna Wycoff who was training fex medicare agents .
Towards the end of his run he placed several orders with Chris.
Insufficient replies to continue ordering.

Mail returns have been way off for guys ordering per 1000,see Don's post above.

What do the big hitters you know that my buddy up there doesn't know ?

Do they sell 10-15 policies off 20 cards ?
Towards the end of his run he placed several orders with Chris.
Insufficient replies to continue ordering.

Mail returns have been way off for guys ordering per 1000,see Don's post above.

What do the big hitters you know that my buddy up there doesn't know ?

Do they sell 10-15 policies off 20 cards ?

They are professional FE agents associated with a professional FE IMO.

I wouldn't think anyone sells 15 of 20 leads.

I think Nick gets 25 leads per week. I don't know why you struggle so much to understand.

Check that. I do know.
And since we're talking about Pa and how the sky is falling there, a regular poster here from Pa went out and worked some FE leads this week. First time in quite a while he's worked FE. He said he was a little rusty. But wrote over $6K this week.

Good thing he didn't read here first that FE in Pa is dead.
We need to ask Joanna Wycoff who was training fex medicare agents .
You don't. She trained 0 FEX agents.

She was hired by me to help me onboard agents into the Medicare agency because she was the recruiter for Nationcare an IMO I wanted to work with. She worked with a handfull with my permission. Very few, about 5 out of the 45 total agents I work with, all of whom also worked closely with me directly and regularly.

She was there to take some of the load off of me. When she started Topflight I agreed to help her get it off the ground because we had been friends for years. Unfortunately that didn't work out and we went our separate ways after about 5 months.