Final Expense Telesales Tips

I used to see that from different companies, but I don't see it much anymore. But that's just me. I haven't looked at a new advanceable contract in quite awhile. What companies do you know of that are still charging interest on advances?
I haven't looked to see how they are charging the interest but CUL/FL/Manhattan is 1.39% per month, Standard Life and Casualty is 0.5% per month and UNL is 1.00% per month according to my advance agreements with them. The contracts are several years old..
Why was that removed?

Who knows? Ask this guy or gal.


As many of you know, when a person goes to google and types in a search such as "(insert lead vendor) scam" or "(insert insurance agent question)", they usually find somewhere on the 1st page.

The good part is this site has a trust authority with google to be listed in the top results. The bad part is there is a handful of forum members who negatively impact the discussion of most legitimate topics.

There is an obvious need of moderation on this forum. Every thread goes off topic and is hijacked by one or all of the following profiles:

Todd King
Tahoe Ray
Life Hawk

I'm sure every person listed above believes they are positively contributing to the community, but the fact is they are not. Every thread these profiles contribute to, end up in an unprofessional, mindless, senile, inside joke type of discussion which is so far off topic that one cannot possibly find the information they are looking for.

The entire purpose of this community has become so off kilter, that I am not sure any thread on any topic can be useful moving forward.

Hopefully, the site owner will take note and make necessary changes in order to foster a positive, collaborative experience for the insurance agent industry as a whole. This is not a call for censorship, but rather a call for civility and contributions which are relative to the topic being discussed.

Enough is enough.

vegasins, Today at 1:03 PM
Who knows? Ask this guy or gal.


As many of you know, when a person goes to google and types in a search such as "(insert lead vendor) scam" or "(insert insurance agent question)", they usually find somewhere on the 1st page.

The good part is this site has a trust authority with google to be listed in the top results. The bad part is there is a handful of forum members who negatively impact the discussion of most legitimate topics.

There is an obvious need of moderation on this forum. Every thread goes off topic and is hijacked by one or all of the following profiles:

Todd King
Tahoe Ray
Life Hawk

I'm sure every person listed above believes they are positively contributing to the community, but the fact is they are not. Every thread these profiles contribute to, end up in an unprofessional, mindless, senile, inside joke type of discussion which is so far off topic that one cannot possibly find the information they are looking for.

The entire purpose of this community has become so off kilter, that I am not sure any thread on any topic can be useful moving forward.

Hopefully, the site owner will take note and make necessary changes in order to foster a positive, collaborative experience for the insurance agent industry as a whole. This is not a call for censorship, but rather a call for civility and contributions which are relative to the topic being discussed.

Enough is enough.

vegasins, Today at 1:03 PM

I made the short list!
Why was that removed?

Not sure if you were around back then. There were some really big dust-ups. Rick and A L . The FEX guys v Ben, then the Ex FEX guys V FEX, I do not remember the others but some of them got heavy. However, it was a place to move those to out of sight of the general public. Why was it closed? Sam's decision. His house, his rules. My guess is some of the players complained that the other guys were picking on them. Kinda like in a schoolyard fight both sides scream victim.

I am not advocating for the arguments. I am just saying it is a place to put the bad ones. There are a lot of Alphas in this business. I do not see a problem with people disagreeing or believing their way is the superior way. But some of these things seem to get into a personal level.

I will say differences in opinions is where the gold is IMofsoHO.
Not sure if you were around back then. There were some really big dust-ups. Rick and A L . The FEX guys v Ben, then the Ex FEX guys V FEX, I do not remember the others but some of them got heavy. However, it was a place to move those to out of sight of the general public. Why was it closed? Sam's decision. His house, his rules. My guess is some of the players complained that the other guys were picking on them. Kinda like in a schoolyard fight both sides scream victim.

I am not advocating for the arguments. I am just saying it is a place to put the bad ones. There are a lot of Alphas in this business. I do not see a problem with people disagreeing or believing their way is the superior way. But some of these things seem to get into a personal level.

I will say differences in opinions is where the gold is IMofsoHO.
I remember the Rick and Al days for sure. A different time for sure.
Except for me and Lee.. We KNOW we are... :twitchy:

Alpha refers to a dominant person or their behavior, especially with respect to socially aggressive, hyper-masculine men. Some dudebros see alpha as a compliment and aspiration. Others people see right into the small, sad, insecure hearts of the trying-too-hard alpha. Related words: alpha female.

I'll just stick to knowing I'm a man who married a woman... don't need to be much but a good husband, a good dad, and and a good agent. :yes:
Amen! … Oops, there I go being religious! :) .. Sorry, Greg.. the Devil made me do it.. Hope you are having a great day but one thing puzzles me? What are you doing on here so much lately? I can understand everyone else but the lockdown shouldn't have affected you... You should be busier than ever.. Everybody is a home watching your TV commercials and to take your phone calls.. :yes:

I've been recruiting like a mad man the past several days. I'm promoting FE telesales and my response rate from agents and non licensed people is tremendous. I'm glad that I can do telesales, and do it very well. I've been doing it since 2005 so I should know it by now.

I take a little break between recruiting calls to get up here and look for some bits of wisdom. Just so you know, with our system, all you need is an ipad, a phone with speakers, my world class script, my 3 hours of telesales training calls, a comfortable chair, and be able to put up $450 for 30 FB leads.

If you show you can write some biz then I will cosign for you to get 40-60 fresh exclusive FB leads that are fresh, exclusive, and hot off the press every week. OR TV leads if you prefer. No need to put up $1600 for DM before you see the 1st one coming back in.

We also have Spanish TV and FB leads. Takes less than 24 hours usually to generate 25+ FB leads for an agent. If anyone wants to have a private conversation my phone # is in my sig line.

Thanks for the opportunity to self promote. I hope Todd doesn't see this or he'll come storming in here with his negativity.

God bless Rouse. The devil did NOT make me do it.

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