I was curious as to which company you were referencing that switched telemarketers on you -

All samples are on the home page of my website Lead Heroes - We hire, train & manage telemarketers so you don have to

You click the 'View Sample' button and it takes you to a spreadsheet to show you a sample of what the lead looks like and a link to a recording as well.

Here is a link to the sample if you are still having trouble finding it -


Hey I was to find the samples on your website...they arent there!:D:D


I did not hear that in the recorded call I listened to.


Who is the "jerk"?

You rang? Jerk checking in.....howdy.:)


Are you alive? YES

Do you want an agent to see you? YES

What's your hobby? Uhhh, sending in lead cards.

OK, along with JoshC, I think you have some of the best FE memes of all time!!
Do not use or anything with the Robert Bradley, Jennifer Bandera, Rosemary Campbell or Tony Richardson. Im pretty sure they are just a renamed company because there is nothing out there on them. There are a few guys here on the forum that have reputations and actually want to be successful so they give you good leads. One of them is a jerk (hint) I just ordered from him but his Avatar sounds quite impressive.

glad you spoke them up! I was going to order from them until they told me place the money into their business checking account. I called and emailed Jennifer and she never once contacted me. Are they even a real company??:skeptical: