Obviously, you did not read his response or, if you did, you didn't understand his response. Just keep telling yourself that you don't need E&O. The day will come that you will wish you had listened to the warnings.
At what point in anything I said did I say I or no one needs E&O? I simply explained how it is done with LH or SL. It's that simple. A lot of the problem with people on these message boards is they try to make everything so complicated. I have used the K.I.S.S. formula for many years and see no reason to make everything hard on me, my clients, or anyone else for that matter. You have an opinion that E&O insurance is a life saver and I have the opinion that if I do my business correct and I am meticulous about it then I have nothing to worry about. Sure there will be frivolous lawsuits somewhere but I have found that I do not have to worry about them because I cross my T's and dot my I's. I could care less what you pay for. That's the beauty of America, an opinion is like an ......well you know the rest. Have a great day selling!