Finding Info on Selling Final Expense by Phone

Obviously, you did not read his response or, if you did, you didn't understand his response. Just keep telling yourself that you don't need E&O. The day will come that you will wish you had listened to the warnings.

At what point in anything I said did I say I or no one needs E&O? I simply explained how it is done with LH or SL. It's that simple. A lot of the problem with people on these message boards is they try to make everything so complicated. I have used the K.I.S.S. formula for many years and see no reason to make everything hard on me, my clients, or anyone else for that matter. You have an opinion that E&O insurance is a life saver and I have the opinion that if I do my business correct and I am meticulous about it then I have nothing to worry about. Sure there will be frivolous lawsuits somewhere but I have found that I do not have to worry about them because I cross my T's and dot my I's. I could care less what you pay for. That's the beauty of America, an opinion is like an ......well you know the rest. Have a great day selling!
At what point in anything I said did I say I or no one needs E&O? I simply explained how it is done with LH or SL. It's that simple. A lot of the problem with people on these message boards is they try to make everything so complicated. I have used the K.I.S.S. formula for many years and see no reason to make everything hard on me, my clients, or anyone else for that matter. You have an opinion that E&O insurance is a life saver and I have the opinion that if I do my business correct and I am meticulous about it then I have nothing to worry about. Sure there will be frivolous lawsuits somewhere but I have found that I do not have to worry about them because I cross my T's and dot my I's. I could care less what you pay for. That's the beauty of America, an opinion is like an ......well you know the rest. Have a great day selling!

YOU may not have, but your buddy theinsuranceman did indeed say that.
YOU may not have, but your buddy theinsuranceman did indeed say that.

Yes I said it. The techniques used for the recorded sales have been designed and reviewed by Corp. attorneys. Each recording states the proposed insured's name, recording date, health questions, meds, bene., etc. etc. and the proposed insured knows they are being recorded.

The Corp. attorneys have designed these recorded sales to easily stand up in a court of law to protect both the Co. and the agent from a he said, she said that you might experience in the field face 2 face.

Heck, even in the field, most Co.'s like or require a phone interview with the proposed insured to make sure the agent asked all health questions, etc. We're just doing the same thing from the comfort of our home or office. You don't even have to crank your car up using the tele-sales technique.
You should keep E&O Insurance if you want to get contracted with any of the insurance company's. When you fill out the contracting paperwork they ask if you have at leat 1,000,000 and state that it is your responsibility to keep it in force.

Standard Life - App By Phone, No Wet Signature

Forresters - App By Phone, No Wet Signature (limited number of states)

Baltimore Life - App By Phone, No Wet Signature, must fax app signed by you (the agent) to Baltimore Life

Assurity - Anyone know?
Baltimore Life only needs the app faxed in under a couple circumstances. For the most part, when you get off the phone you are finished with Baltimore requirements.
Re: Finding Info. on Selling Final Expense by Phone

We have an awesome sales system for TeleSales . . .

Easy Issue Life products - Final Expense and Term with ROP.

If you don't find what you are looking for - ring me up.


Hi Tom,

I too am looking to get off the road and sell from home over the phone. I am licensed in Texas. What are your suggestions?

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Yes I said it. The techniques used for the recorded sales have been designed and reviewed by Corp. attorneys. Each recording states the proposed insured's name, recording date, health questions, meds, bene., etc. etc. and the proposed insured knows they are being recorded.

The Corp. attorneys have designed these recorded sales to easily stand up in a court of law to protect both the Co. and the agent from a he said, she said that you might experience in the field face 2 face.

Heck, even in the field, most Co.'s like or require a phone interview with the proposed insured to make sure the agent asked all health questions, etc. We're just doing the same thing from the comfort of our home or office. You don't even have to crank your car up using the tele-sales technique.


My name is Greg and I am licensed in Texas currently marketing Med supps and FE products.

I am looking to sell FE from home and was wondering if you have a suggestion for a good solid company that I can cntract and sell for.

I look forward to your reply!
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Re: Finding Info. on Selling Final Expense by Phone

Hi Tom,

I too am looking to get off the road and sell from home over the phone. I am licensed in Texas. What are your suggestions?

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My name is Greg and I am licensed in Texas currently marketing Med supps and FE products.

I am looking to sell FE from home and was wondering if you have a suggestion for a good solid company that I can cntract and sell for.

I look forward to your reply!

Send me an email with your name and number.