Finding What Clients Want

I am an elder law attorney who is transitioning into providing legal/financial strategies to 1) avoid ever needing Medicaid and/or 2) repositioning clients assets to maximize wealth preservation (trust-based planning) and am looking for a forum to learn more about insurance products in the marketplace.
Welcome! You may find what you're looking for here. There are a few of us that take more of a strategy/planning approach vs a product approach. You'll want to check out the Long Term Care forum, annuities, and the life insurance forum.

Also, we have a Facebook group you can come and ask those kinds of questions there too:

Life Insurance Agent Discussion
As an attorney look up Medicaid spend down, Lady Bird Deed, Miller Trusts, Half Loaf, Full Loaf, Funeral Trusts, all will help clients retain assets and qualify for nursing home or home provider without having to lose assets to MERP (Medicaid Estate Recovery Program). Many times it will be the most efficient way to pay for these costs without losing everything they have accumulated over thier lifetime.