Floor Vote Getting Closer

Getting the second vote of 60 is where the problem lies.

Am I watching something different than 99% of this board? (Al3 is in the 1%).

Lets see... Passed the house... Opened in Senate floor... (or will tonight).

People still seriously believe it is impossible to have "something" passed? Is it now more a question of WHAT and WHEN than "if?"

I am sure nothing will pass in it's current form, but I am having a hard time joining the "this will never pass" crowd. I just think that ship has sailed.
It's sailed and it will pass and you're correct - it's just a matter of the final language. Agents will stay in business so to me it's much ado about nothing. My big worry at the beginning of the year was legislation would be drafted that would eliminate agents. Both bills have active roles for agents so let's get it passed and get it going.

TX - you're in a great position for this because when all the dust settles it'll be a volume business and that's what you're set up for.
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It's sailed and it will pass and you're correct - it's just a matter of the final language. Agents will stay in business so to me it's much ado about nothing. My big worry at the beginning of the year was legislation would be drafted that would eliminate agents. Both bills have active roles for agents so let's get it passed and get it going.

TX - you're in a great position for this because when all the dust settles it'll be a volume business and that's what you're set up for.

I have said I do not support this bill due to the extreme cost, expansion of government and other reasons.

You are correct my business could go under or explode, at this point no one truly knows that answer. Could go either way depends how this unfolds and that will likely take years.
This only blocks the first filibuster. What several have agreed to is allowing this to go to the floor to be debated, which is only a step. After debate, they need 60 votes again to close debate and actually go to vote (where they need 51).

Getting the second vote of 60 is where the problem lies.


The other problem is that it requires 60 to amend rather than just 51 (I believe). What a mixed bag that is. Some Senators voted for it just to get it out on to the floor with the idea that it would be amended from there but if you can't muster the 60 to amend it then it leaves the bill in a "take it or leave it" form to vote on and there are probably not more than five Senators who will take it as is (got problems on the left too, abortion etc). On the other hand the 60 votes arent there to let the moderates (whether repub or dem) bang it into acceptable form.

What does all that mean? Only one thing. Bloodbath on the home front. Hope they have their flak jackets on when they go home.

Other techinical issues are embedded as well. They voted on Reids bill which was initiated in the Senate. The constitution requires bills with revenue and tax implications to be iniated in the House. They planned to deal with that by merging it with the house bill so that the senate bill actually became the house bill as amended. How the hell do you pull that stunt off if you can't come up with the votes to amend.

Change you can believe in.
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Please expand.

From my understanding there will be no exclusions for pre-existing conditions. Is that incorrect?

Correct, but that was not your question.

Your question was referencing previous approvals with such exclusions. Those are not going to retroactively change, but I suppose they could apply for the new plans which must not offer such exclusions.
"Sneaky" as in a body double actually played the banjo? Or is it something more sinister???
Yes, sort of. Redden could not play the banjo nor could he even fake it, so the director used a banjo player to work the frets with his left hand behind Redden. They used a special shirt and camera angles to hide it.
Correct, but that was not your question.

not going to retroactively change, .

Have actually had people ask about this ... in terms of premium "reimbursement" in case after they take out a policy and then the govt reform (which to the masses means full or partial govt. payment of coverage) comes through.
Anyone else receive this level of stupid from a potential client yet?