Wow. Well, that truly is embarrassing. Thank you for pointing that out. Not sure why you're choosing to be so rude though.
As for the commissions. I'm not going to argue with what I do or do not know.
I'm being 'rude' because anyone who has ever been affiliated with Blue as an agent, CGA, or MAA knows you can't believe what you hear until it's in writing-you are telling agents to get contracted before it's in writing, are you going to release each of them if the structure changes and they request it?
I wouldn't mind being captive with FL blue for Indy health but it's crazy that it means you must be captive with your Medicare too? No way in hell I would do that.
Does anyone know how to get contracted with Molina?
Captive means both Indy and Medicare, that is correct.
I do know how to get contracted with Molina (I get nothing from it), I've had the contract for a year and have two clients with them and have been paid on time each month, here is their contracting link: