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Florida insurance agent fired after Costco coronavirus mask confrontation

So if your pastor is accused of sexually assaulting kids on his personal time, you'd still send your kids to attend his bible study classes then?? What's wrong with holding people personally responsible for their actions?


You do know I am not talking about illegal actions

Only talking about holding opinions that differ from the libby mind control prescribed thoughts

completely different thing
As I was just saying....Not sure what it real and what isn't anymore. Not going to take the chance. Freedom isn't much good when you're dead.

Not to you anyway... kids and grandkids might think differently.

Wife asked a good question to me the other day that made all kinds sense. "If masks work, and you wear one, why worry about those folks who don't wear one if your wearing yours?" :err:

Is it because your concerned for their health or yours?
Actually the masks are designed to protect those with preexisting conditions, rather than the mask wearer themselves.
Wrong. The majority of masks do nothing to filter the virus. They are used to protect others from any vapor which I might exhale. the virus is smaller than the pore in the majority of masks which people are wearing. A mask will stop droplets of moisture from escaping though
Not to you anyway... kids and grandkids might think differently.

Wife asked a good question to me the other day that made all kinds sense. "If masks work, and you wear one, why worry about those folks who don't wear one if your wearing yours?" :err:

Is it because you're concerned about their health or yours?

If you listen to the lib news or any celebrity, then its others, they say if you don't want one you hate people and endanger others

So based on that seems they believe that masks work in not spreading but don't work on keeping you from getting it?

at least that's what it sounds like besides that it sounds like BS and they don't work because why would they work in preventing you from spreading but not protect against getting it?

I guess wear them inside out to protect yourself????
So if your pastor is accused of sexually assaulting kids on his personal time, you'd still send your kids to attend his bible study classes then?? What's wrong with holding people personally responsible for their actions?
You are mixing analogies and yours makes no sense in the discussion. If I offend someone because of a belief or an action which that person finds offensive, should I suffer from social media vigilantism? a pastor who assaults children has committed a crime, whether on his personal time or on his professional time and should be held accountable. However, he should not be crucified on just the accusation and the mob should hold off until there is a conviction. He should be removed from his professional position until his actions have been proved or disproved