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Florida insurance agent fired after Costco coronavirus mask confrontation

While I don't like wearing a mask anymore than the next person, I'm yet to hear a GOOD reason for not wearing one when you go out in public places that ask you to wear one. Heard a lot of very lame and useless excuses, but not a valid one yet.

Apparently even though the mask might slow the spread people just don't want a better economy. Just read this morning goldman sachs, some large retail groups and manufacturers want a national mask policy. Goldman guesses a 5% reduction in gdp if this doesn't slow down soon. So masks or a tanking economy? We all know about "muh rites" lol.
What's the excuse down here in Florida a right to work state and employers were firing long before Obama just because you might have been ugly.

They were being fired for opinions outside of work? That's news to me

1st I heard of it was when Obama was running I have heard it 100's of times since And besides that its only when the fired person opinion is dif then the lefts prescribed opinions

Never before I am sure it happened but now its the norm a whole dif world
Thank you! Now there's a solid reason! The biggest problem with this is that you are the very one that they say needs to be wearing it! Catch 22, huh?
Yeah... and I will wear one if I am going to be around a group of people. Otherwise, I just do my best to keep my distance.
Thank you! Now there's a solid reason! The biggest problem with this is that you are the very one that they say needs to be wearing it! Catch 22, huh?
Actually the masks are designed to protect those with preexisting conditions, rather than the mask wearer themselves.
Apparently even though the mask might slow the spread people just don't want a better economy. Just read this morning goldman sachs, some large retail groups and manufacturers want a national mask policy. Goldman guesses a 5% reduction in gdp if this doesn't slow down soon. So masks or a tanking economy? We all know about "muh rites" lol.
Wearing a mask will solve economic problems. Not wearing a mask offers only short term gains at the expense of lives.
They were being fired for opinions outside of work? That's news to me

1st I heard of it was when Obama was running I have heard it 100's of times since And besides that its only when the fired person opinion is dif then the lefts prescribed opinions

Never before I am sure it happened but now its the norm a whole dif world
So if your pastor is accused of sexually assaulting kids on his personal time, you'd still send your kids to attend his bible study classes then?? What's wrong with holding people personally responsible for their actions?