Florida Stops Implementing PPCA

Crabcake Johnny

5000 Post Club
WASHINGTON BUREAU – Florida has shut down implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) as a result of a recent federal court ruling declaring the law to be unconstitutional.

Florida Insurance Commissioner Kevin McCarty said Tuesday at a meeting of the Florida Health Insurance Advisory Board (FHIAB)that PPACA, a major component of the federal Affordable Care Act package, “is not now in effect in Florida.”

McCarty said he is temporarily suspending an application for a waiver or adjustment of new health insurance medical loss ratios.

“We are going to take stock and see what our options are,” McCarty said.

Florida Stops Implementing PPACA - Regulatory,Legislative and Tax Issues - Life and Health Insurance News
Let's use that money for people that actually need it and not Obama socialist one world guberment dictatorship.