Fmo Vs Direct : Dazed and Confused.


New Member
Hello all. I in a bit of a bind. I have an offer to work for a health insurance company direct in ny. I currently work for an FMO and as I try and weigh out the pro and cons on paper they somewhat balance each other out give or take some areas. When working for an fmo you have multiple lines of business to tap but on the other hand its seems like the jack of all trades to get one application for instance let's say the beneficiary has company A. I can get then company B or C If the plan fits. I like the concept to an extent but then it comes to breaking down the commissions and renewals. The fmo keeps practically 80% of the pie vs working direct. I wpuld have to get double or triple the amount of apps to be at pace of one app from direct. The other issue is the flow. the fmo has constant flow as vs direct where the direct has its biggest months during Aep.
My questions is has anyone been in a similar situation where you worked direct and left to work for an fmo or vise versa. I need to make a decision on where to go.

Any insight is helpful.