For Those Of You With Websites...

Could Medicare Advantage open enrollment have anything to do with it? The MA companies are saturating the airwaves right now trying to get seniors to think about insurance.

To us computer guys, SEM is when you pay for ads on search engines, and SEO is when you work to get your site to show up organically. But us computer guys like strange acronyms almost as much as insurance associations do.

No, I really don't think MA plans come into play. I have found that to be true for the last sixteen years. It may heighten the awareness a little but I really don't think does, at least not in my experience.

I understand how you "computer guys are". haha Sometimes acronyms drive me crazy trying to keep track of them. I like to KISS everything. Makes my life so much easier. :yes:
I'm just guessing, but maybe people tend to retire at or near the end of a calendar year.

Hey Alston, I was checking out your site, and you may want to look at it again. Your site is all messed up on my end in I.E. but fine in Firefox.

I understand individuals especially SEO individuals like Firefox. I do not use it, only reason? Most of my customers are not viewing my website in this browser.

Problem, individuals build and code sites wrong not being compatible with All Browsers. Most sites are fine, unless you go in and start messing around and jacking it up.

Stats from all my Websites.

Browser----------------------IE-7.0---62% vs Firefox 14.9%
Operating system-------------Windows XP---51.14%
Screen Resolution-------------1280 x 1024---50.50%

Stick with what your customers are using. Thats all that matters.
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Hey Alston, I was checking out your site, and you may want to look at it again. Your site is all messed up on my end in I.E. but fine in Firefox.

I understand individuals especially SEO individuals like Firefox. I do not use it, only reason? Most of my customers are not viewing my website in this browser.

Problem, individuals build and code sites wrong not being compatible with All Browsers. Most sites are fine, unless you go in and start messing around and jacking it up.

Stats from all my Websites.

Browser----------------------IE-7.0---62% vs Firefox 14.9%
Operating system-------------Windows XP---51.14%
Screen Resolution-------------1280 x 1024---50.50%

Stick with what your customers are using. That's all that matters.

Dave thanks a bunch for the heads up.

I'm testing new CSS templates. I never noticed the error because although I looked at the site in IE, FF, Safari and Opera, I only used the newest versions.

Also, the new templates -- with the egregious error -- convert better than the old one (It shows how bad the old one sucked.) It should convert even better now.

Thanks again.
Would think the spike in business during Q4 on the Medicare side is due to Annual Enrollment Period for MedicareAdvantage and Part D plans. If you are writing Medicare products, 70% of your business would be done during Q4 and Q1 (Open Enrollment Period) on an annual basis.