For those who have a decent sized book, how do you personally manage them?

You are in the stage of your business where you need to start building systems. Yes, a CRM is the first step, along with an appointment scheduler so that your current clients (and prospects) can schedule time with you. With an appointment scheduler (there are a lot of them and I use Book Like a Boss), you can email a link to your client or prospect, and they can schedule their own phone or in-person appointment with you. This cuts down on a LOT Of back and forth. It also significantly cuts down on no-shows since they get reminders. In addition to that, I highly recommend a text expander such as TypeDesk. This way you don't have to retype messages (such as the message you send to T65 who contact you) over and over. You can listen to my podcast called Insurance Business Babes for more tips on running your business. [EXTERNAL LINK] - Insurance Business Babes (I used my text expander to find and post that link).