Foresters Changes??

I believe the point was that when they were selling FE (and MY assumption was that they are selling something else now) they used to run into lots of SL policies and replaced them.
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Even though I probably agree with "mustfastpitch" and others waaaaay more than those selling LH, SL, BLC, & etc. I think that most seniors are far better off to have an overpriced whole life policy than no policy at all. OTOH, if they are replacing less costly plans with that stuff, now we got a problem. It's all just part of the food chain. Think of it as YOUR (OUR) problem that we didn't get to them first. Now, we should make it our mission to take these seniors from having overpriced good whole life insurance to competitively priced good whole life insurance. If they are not replacing, I can't go as far as saying "screwing seniors". FWIW

I know Newby jokes about it, but would you rather walk into a house and see 3 SL,LH,BLC, AARP, etc. policies or none at all?? If these guys are more successful, we all are.

Would you please quit being logical? it ruins the whole purpose of the forum! ;)
As a senior I resent that generalization.. For the most part, we are neither fragile nor overly trusting. I can work my 24 year old grandsons into the ground and most of us have been around long enough we can smell the smoke off burning BS long before the young'uns fire alarms go off. And,there sure is a lot of smoke on this forum! :yes:

But you are not in the Final Expense Target Market which is what I was referring too. For selfish reasons. some insurance agents will push an overpriced product onto seniors who typically have a fixed, lower income. I believe that is a more "trusting" group than the middle or higher income group. I'm a "senior" too and I am neither fragile or trusting. I treat every senior I meet like they were my own parents and I love my parents. ha. Sadly it is easy and lucrative to sell the competitively priced FE so no need for them to sell the overpriced crap..

Biggin; I agree, the reason agents like to see LH, Sl etc is because they know it's an easy sale to replace it. While I like to see that for the easy sale reason I don't like the thought that some elderly person or couple went with-out something so they could pay their overpriced premium. Maybe they had to skip medications or eat peanut and butter and jelly a few days. Of course I eat peanut butter and jelly for breakfast most days but I buy the expensive "Natural" peanut butter and only fruit jelly. It costs more to make stuff with less ingredients. LOL
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Lincoln Heritage and Senior life have been very good to me.

Is that Newby in disguise as Jacob? :1confused:
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I treat every senior I meet like they were my own parents and I love my parents.

That is where we differ.. I treat every senior as my peer.. At 67, Few are old enough to be my parents. And, I assume if I am neither fragile nor over trusting, then they aren't either unless there is some obvious mental deficiency. Income level has nothing to do with it.

The only reason most would buy overpriced products is that they haven't been offered anything else. Newby and Jacob attest to the fact that when presented with an alternative, people across the board will respond by taking advantage of the better deal.

I have found people in their teens and twenties to be much more gullible than older folks as a general rule.
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Is that Newby in disguise as Jacob? :1confused:
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That is where we differ.. I treat every senior as my peer.. At 67, Few are old enough to be my parents. And, I assume if I am neither fragile nor over trusting, then they aren't either unless there is some obvious mental deficiency. Income level has nothing to do with it.

The only reason most would buy overpriced products is that they haven't been offered anything else. Newby and Jacob attest to the fact that when presented with an alternative, people across the board will respond by taking advantage of the better deal.

I have found people in their teens and twenties to be much more gullible than older folks as a general rule.

You can't seem to let this go so I guess I can categorize seniors as grumpy stubborn old farts. LOL
If you tend to "resent" so much I would stay off this forum. My teenage daughter says she resents you saying teens are gullible.
You can't seem to let this go so I guess I can categorize seniors as grumpy stubborn old farts. LOL
If you tend to "resent" so much I would stay off this forum. My teenage daughter says she resents you saying teens are gullible.
I don't resent that, sounds pretty accurate to me!..and see, I told you teens were gullible! :1wink:
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They are doing an eapp sometime this year. I am part of a pilot program they are using with a few IMOs. Not sure if that is the big secret or not, but I thought it about it after JD posted this thread.