Foresters is Trying My Patience


1000 Post Club
Over the past year or so there have been many threads about Foresters both good and bad and I have to admit I have been a strong advocator on their behalf. Have I had issues with them yes but for the most part I really like selling their policy as it is easy to sell and has lots of benefits that make it stand out form most others.

My latest policy is causing me to rethink my using them as my go to company.

Around June 12th I wrote a bigger policy with Foresters where we replaced a 15 day old plan right level. I replaced a $50 monthly premium with a $100,000 SI whole life at $240 per month. Because It was a good sized policy I wanted to make sure everything went smoothly. I dotted my eyes and crossed my t's the best I could and thought I had everything perfect. On June 19th I received an email from Foresters stating the first draft was scheduled for 6/21/12, which wa wrong, The first payment was to be drafted on 6/28/12. So I called and emailed Foresters and after about 3 calls and 4 or 5 emails they agreed to change it to the requested date of 6/28/12. I even called on the 25th to make sure everythign was on schedule, which they assured me it was.

After not recieving a check for the policy, I called Foresters on the 3rth of July and found they never did attempt the draft at all. They totally dropped the ball and just plain forgot. I made at least two attempts in June to make sure they would cancel her other plan right policy and not take the first payment out. Not only did they not draft the first payment out for the $100 K policy they never cancelled her other policy.

Then when you try and speak with a manager at Foresters you might as well bend over and kiss your ass goodbye. Then when you do get to speak with one all they do is tell me how great they are and how fast they are growing etc.

I beleive they are giving their college scholarships to college students and then hiring them as part time workers. Too many of their workers in customer service haven't got a clue on what they are doing. They sound like they are fresh out of high school and are completely lacking in common sense.

I need a new go to company with lots of benefits that I can sell and a company with good customer service. They must also have good rates. I am thinnking RNA. Anybody else got any ideas on who might fit the bill?
nfl72 said:
Over the past year or so there have been many threads about Foresters both good and bad and I have to admit I have been a strong advocator on their behalf. Have I had issues with them yes but for the most part I really like selling their policy as it is easy to sell and has lots of benefits that make it stand out form most others.

My latest policy is causing me to rethink my using them as my go to company.

Around June 12th I wrote a bigger policy with Foresters where we replaced a 15 day old plan right level. I replaced a $50 monthly premium with a $100,000 SI whole life at $240 per month. Because It was a good sized policy I wanted to make sure everything went smoothly. I dotted my eyes and crossed my t's the best I could and thought I had everything perfect. On June 19th I received an email from Foresters stating the first draft was scheduled for 6/21/12, which wa wrong, The first payment was to be drafted on 6/28/12. So I called and emailed Foresters and after about 3 calls and 4 or 5 emails they agreed to change it to the requested date of 6/28/12. I even called on the 25th to make sure everythign was on schedule, which they assured me it was.

After not recieving a check for the policy, I called Foresters on the 3rth of July and found they never did attempt the draft at all. They totally dropped the ball and just plain forgot. I made at least two attempts in June to make sure they would cancel her other plan right policy and not take the first payment out. Not only did they not draft the first payment out for the $100 K policy they never cancelled her other policy.

Then when you try and speak with a manager at Foresters you might as well bend over and kiss your ass goodbye. Then when you do get to speak with one all they do is tell me how great they are and how fast they are growing etc.

I beleive they are giving their college scholarships to college students and then hiring them as part time workers. Too many of their workers in customer service haven't got a clue on what they are doing. They sound like they are fresh out of high school and are completely lacking in common sense.

I need a new go to company with lots of benefits that I can sell and a company with good customer service. They must also have good rates. I am thinnking RNA. Anybody else got any ideas on who might fit the bill?

I really liked Forresters at first too. They would be a last resort company for me these days. I haven't even looked at them in a year and don't miss them a bit.

Why do you just want one company?

I would pick up 5-Star, Settlers (if in your state), Monumental and ForeThought. All these are great companies and even though ForeThought can be a little frustrating their extra benefits BLOW AWAY anything Foresters ever offered. Plus none of these are fraternals which is a little better in my opinion. RNA is not a bad company but I wouldn't want them for my only company.
You didn't lose that big 100k deal, did you, NFL?

I had something similar happen to me recently -- wrote a $212/month SIWL Foresters policy -- sent it in to draft immediately -- faxed it twice, with Foresters saying they never received it. They ended up drafting 16 days later than I instructed them. AND they didn't change the draft date as I told them originally.

Thank God the prospect was flexible or I would have lost that deal for sure.

I'm telling you -- customer service is a crack team of Indians that can barely speak English or manage a happy customer/agent experience.
no the client is fine, but I just hate having to call clients and make excuses on why something got screwed up. It just gives them another reason and chance to change their mind.

In my 35 plus years in sales I have heard every excuse in the book on why someone is backing out of a deal.

the well run dry

house needs a new roof

the kids need braces

the GM car needs a motor

the wife is cheating on him and he wants a divorce

the girlfriend left him

the house went up in flames

the dog up and died

and the best of all


Then theres the time about 3 months ago I got an email from an underwriter at Foresters who claimed I had to put in a dollar amount on the guarranteed renablilty box stating how much more they might want in the future.

I knew she was wrong as there wasn't even a space in the box to write it yet she persisted that I had to pre specify how much more coverage they might want in the future.

After three days of emails and phone calls she finaly admitted she was wrong. The real pisser was for three days they told me I had to drive to get her initials, which would have been a 250 mile round trip.
RonRoberts said:
Does 5-Star have non-med to $100K or more?

No but I don't think any FE company does either. You could group 4- companies together if they want hat much simplified issue or write $75,000 of it with American Memorial if they are anywhere in the ball park.

For cases that large I use GUL or term. But they do parameds.

Did Foresters do a non-med $100,000 on any lifetime guaranteed products? If they do, I missed that nugget of info.
they came out with a simplified issue true whole life about 6 months ago. I beleive it goes up to 250,000.

As always it can be a lliitle bit of a pain because if you speak with three underwriters on what you might need as far as paperwork is concerned you can get three different answers. An example is when you have a 15 year old that is closer to 16. According to some, He must sign the contract, although he is technically only 15. Yet others will tell you his guardian must sign.

I have a hard time taking information from young adults as they are far too often WRONG!!!!